• Interesting/Zaujímavé

    Nature walks: Prechadzka Hradok- Javornicek

    Pohodová prechádzka jarným v lesoch pod Inovcom, cieľ bol Chata pod Javorníčkom. Užite si výhľady na zeleň a na okolité kopce. A light and leisurely forest walk in the hill below Inovec, with destination Chata pod Javorníčkom. Enjoy the greenery and the views.

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  • Photos

    Autumn walks: Piestany, Slovakia

    This year I realized how much I missed autumn when in the UAE. I could not stop walking around parks and admiring all the colorful beauty around me and so here are a some of my photos.

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  • Photos

    Autumn walks: Brno, Czech Republic

    This year I realized how much I missed autumn when in the UAE. I could not stop walking around parks and admiring all the colorful beauty around me and so here are a some of my photos.

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