UAE: Middle Eastern delicacies
Abu Dhabi was not only about sun, sea and work, but also food. The city is full of top restaurants with delicacies from almost any cuisine in the world.
Drawings: Aquarelle 2016
A selection of my aquarelle / watercolor paintings made in 2016.
Photo: Strait of Hormuz, a busy waterway for oil and gas tankers
This long oil and gas tanker traffic jam is off the coast of Fujairah emirate, near the Strait of Hormuz. Driving along the road from Dibba to Fujairah, we stopped to admire a very old mosque and a fortress in Biddiyah, when I saw this line of tankers on the sea. I could not stop watching and counting the vessels.
Chandelier in the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi, UAE
This magnificient chandelier, decorated with Swarowski cristals, gold and other precious stones, hangs in the Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi. It is one of the four identical chandeliers, each weighing 2 tonnes. There are still three more chandeliers, two larger (8 tons) and one even larger (12 tons). Of course, with more Swarowski cristals, precious stones and gold.
UAE: Looking into the future during a visit to Masdar city
Masdar City is a few minutes drive from the international airport in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. If you are interested in energy and sustainable future, then the place is worth visiting also while on a few hours stopover on Abu Dhabi airport.
SAE: Návšteva v Masdar city a pohľad na mesto budúcnosti
Masdar leží len pár kilometrov od medzinárodného letiska v Abu Dhabi, v Spojených Arabských Emirátoch. Každý, kto sa zaujíma o energeticku a trvaloudržateľný rozvoj, by sa tu mal aspoň na krátko zastaviť a poobzerať. Zatiaľ je...
Dubai Dancing Fountain
One of my favourite spots in Dubai is the Dancing fountain on a lake surrounded by the Dubai Mall, the Address hotel, the Souk and the Burj Khalifa. Every 30 minutes or so, a beautiful spectacle dazes a lot of tourists and locals alike.
Remembering Abu Dhabi Corniche Walks
Corniche is a long sea promenade in Abu Dhabi and frequent place for afternoon or evening walk, cycling, running or just meeting friends. Corniche is also a center of many sporting or entertainment events. It stretches more than 7km from the port on the east to Breakwater on the west, near Emirates Palace, Etihad Towers and Marina Mall. This interesting statue is at the end of the promenade at Breakwater, between Marina Mall and Etihad Towers.
View from the SKY lounge at 148th floor of Burj Khalifa in Dubai, UAE
A view of old Dubai, Dubai Creek and Dubai Downtown from the SKY lounge at 148th floor of Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world located in the United Arab Emirates.
SAE: V oblakoch
Zakaždým, keď som bola v Dubaji, alebo som len prechádzala cez mesto, hľadala som v panoráme štíhlu, 828 metrov vysokú vežu zo skla, ocele a kovu - Burj Khalifa (Chalífovu vežu). Táto veža sa pýši niekoľkými zápismi v Guinesovej knihe rekordov a všetci vedia, že je jednoducho najvyššia na svete.
Foto: Ťavy na púšti
Photo: Camels in the Desert
Foto: Stĺporadie v mešite Šejka Zayeda, Abu Dhabi
Photo: Outside of the mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Photo: Fountain at the sea promenade in Abu Dhabi
Photo: Relax in front of the Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Foto: Oddych pred Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Photo: Artistic Details at Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi
Foto: Detaily v mešite Šejka Zayeda, Abu Dhabi
UAE: Cycling in Abu Dhabi
On 8-11 October 2015, the emirate of Abu Dhabi hosted a premiere of cycling competition Abu Dhabi Tour, which is now also part of the official UCI calendar (International Cycling Union).
SAE: Cyklistika v Abu Dhabi
Počas víkendu 8-11 októbra 2015 sa v Abu Dhabi konali cyklistické preteky, ktoré sa dostali do kalendára Medzinárodnej cyklistickej federácie a zrejme sa z nich stane aj oficiálny každoročný pretek Abu Dhabi Tour. Domáci organizátor ich uvádzal pod nazvom “Ride to Abu Dhabi, 4 etapy, 555km, 3 šprinty a 1 kopec”. Celkom výstižné.