Echo: My reflections on the IEA’s latest EV outlook
The IEA has in April published their annual update to the Global EV Outlook. The electric vehicle adoption is gaining momentum, driven by technological advancements, supportive policies and shifting consumer preferences. The challenges lie particularly in terms of supply chain dependencies and the need for comprehensive infrastructure development.
Slovakia on the path to carbon neutrality: What does it mean for you?
As one of the humble authors, I am excited to share our work on the importance of achieving carbon neutrality in Slovakia by 2050. In this report, we aim to enhance discussions in the public domain, promote cooperation among government bodies, and provide informative insights for policymakers, businesses, and the public. Let's dive into the analysis and discover the noteworthy messages it holds.
Slovensko na ceste k uhlíkovej neutralite: Čo to znamená pre vás?
Ako aj v minulosti, i nedávno som prispela svojou troškou k aktualizovanej verzii reportu "Nízko-uhlíkové Slovensko 2050, Aktualizácia analýzy scenárov vývoja emisií skleníkových plynov v Slovenskej republike". Report bol vypublikovaný v januári 2024 a popisuje aktualizovaný scenár dosiahnutia nulových emisií v roku 2050 pre Slovenskú republiku na základe nastavenia a výsledkov v modeli Pathways Explorer 2050.
Čo som vykoumala k elektromobilite
This article contains a summary of my research study Electromobility and energy needs, a case for Slovakia developed for Ministry of Economy of Slovak Republic in 2019.