Hungary: Visegrad / Vyšehrad
Visegrad is a small Hungarian city often mentioned in the history. A castle from 4th century atop the hill offers magnificent views of river Danube.
U susedov: Potulky Budapešťou
Budapešť je krásna, dýcha tu história, jedlo je skvelé a maďarská kúpeľná kultúra má tiež čosi do seba. Mesto samotné, vrátane nabrežia Dunaja, štvrte s kráľovským palácom a Andrássyho ulica sú zapísané na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO od roku 1987.
Hungary: A weekend break in Budapest
A beautiful city full of history, good food and wellness culture - that's how I would describe Budapest, the capital of Hungary. It is also on UNESCO's World heritage sites list since 1987.
Czech Rep: Beautiful Prague / Stovežatá
Prague is one of those European cities I have never visited as a tourist. I always joined my local friends living in the city and they showed me around.
Three days and 49 kilometres in Athens
I have visited Athens twice so far - in November 2008 and in February 2017. And will gladly return anytime. The city centre is a gigantic historical open-air museum with some monuments dating back more than 2500 years. The food is delicious, people are nice and friendly, the sun is shining most of the time and there is always something new to discover.
Grécke Atény a trojdňový maratón po pamiatkach
Atény som navštívila dva krát. V novembri 2008 a vo februári 2017. A rada sa tam kedykoľvek znova vrátim. Centrum mesta je ako jeden veľký historický skanzen starý viac ako 2500 rokov.
Athens: The Majestic Acropolis
A historical city of Acropolis is located in the very heart of Athens at the top of the steep Acropolis hill. This area was reportedly inhabited already in 4000-3000 BC. It's main building - the temple of Parthenon - is visible from almost anywhere in Athens.
Athens: Zappeion
Zappeion is a palace housing a conference centre in Athens, located near the Olympic Panathenaic stadium, Hadrian's arch, Temple of Olympian Zeus and National Gardens.
Athens: Hadrian’s Arch
Athenian Hadrian's Arch is at the end of the Dionysiou Aeropagitou street near Acropolis, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Zappeion and National Gardens.
Athens: Temple of Olympian Zeus
Athenian Temple of Olympian Zeus is at the end of the Dionysiou Aeropagitou street near Hadrian's Arch, Acropolis, Zappeion and National Gardens.
Athens: Olympic Panathenaic stadium
The Olympic Panathenaic stadium in Athens is located near the Zappeion conference centre, Hadrian's arch, Temple of Olympian Zeus and National Gardens.
Athens: Relaxing walk through Filopappou hill
Filipappou hill with a monument at the top is just opposite Acropolis hill in Athens, Greece. The hill is a nice park to walk around offering beautiful viewpoints of the city.
Athens: Syntagma square, museums and seaside
Syntagma, the Constitution square is the main square in Athens with the houses of Parliament, most expensive hotels and a a transport hub.
Atény: Námestie Syntagma, múzeá a okolie
Námestie Syntagma je námestie Ústavy. Nachádza sa tu budova parlamentu, drahé hotely, križovatka dvoch liniek metra a iné. Ako najväčšie námestie Atén je často dejiskom demonštrácií.
Athens: City views from Lycabettus hill
The best views of Athens are from the hill of wolves - Lycabettus. You can see the historical centre with all major sights such as Acropolis, Panthenaic stadium or Hadrian's Arch, and if the weather is good, also the port of Pireus.
Athens: Historical Agora
Agora on the Aeropagus hill in Athens was the administrative, political, commercial and social hub in the 6th century BC until it was destroyed in 267 AD.
Cuba: Famous places connected to Fidel Castro and his revolution
After the news of Fidel Castro passing away, I cannot resist not to publish this impromptu blog post. I am not going to write about the history and his biography. You can now find a lot of articles related to all this in the media.
Fidelova Kuba
Fidel Castro prispel spoločnosti svojou troškou a tak každé správne médium - či už TV, rádio alebo noviny - určite prinesú kopec zaujímavých článkov o jeho osobe, živote, o revolúcii a podobne. Tu to doplním fotkami miest, ktoré sú pripomienkami niektorej časti jeho života a tvorby.
Discovering Cuba in 14 days
What do you know about Cuba? That was my first question after deciding on my next trip destination. Now after my return back I have to admit, I knew a little about this beautiful island between the Atlantic ocean and Caribbean. I knew Havana is the capital city, people speak Spanish,
Okolo Kuby za 14 dní
Čo viete o Kube? Že to je ostrov v severnom Karibiku, na pomedzí Atlantického oceánu a Karibského mora. Hlavné mesto je Havana. Vládne tam komunizmus. Vodcom národa je Fidel Castro, ktorý oslávuje tento rok 90-tku a ...
Discovering Slovakia: Orava, Liptov, Tatry regions in three days
Here is the "break-your-tongue" itinerary for three days in northern Slovakia. I hope the Slovak tongue-twister location names will not set you back, the region is beautiful and worth visiting. Especially if you are into hiking, mountains, nature, history and wellness.