Slovakia on the path to carbon neutrality: What does it mean for you?
As one of the humble authors, I am excited to share our work on the importance of achieving carbon neutrality in Slovakia by 2050. In this report, we aim to enhance discussions in the public domain, promote cooperation among government bodies, and provide informative insights for policymakers, businesses, and the public. Let's dive into the analysis and discover the noteworthy messages it holds.
Reflection on How Slovakia Can Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050
Report with scenario analysis about how Slovakia can achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 - from buildings, transportation, energy, to industry and agriculture.
Zamyslenie nad spôsobom, ako môže Slovensko dosiahnuť uhlíkovú neutralitu do roku 2050
A study of the Institute of the Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences with scenario analysis of sectors of Energy, Industry, Buildings, Transport and Agriculture and Forestry aiming at reaching carbon neutrality in Slovakia to 2050.
White Christmas – A Vianoce boli biele
This year, surprisingly, Christmas was white. 😊 My grandma was telling that already weeks in advance and I did not believe her. I don’t even remeber that much snowfall during the holiday season. In the past, even if it fell overnight, it melted quickly in the morning. This year it was different thanks to freezing temperatures. Tento rok boli Vianoce biele. Moja stara mama to predpovedala s tyzdnovym predstihom, no neverila som jej. Teraz sa jej ospravedlnujem. 😊 Ani si nepamatam, kedy boli naposledky sviatky biele. V minulosti, aj ked napadol v noci sneh, rano sa roztopil. No tentokrat to bolo inak. Snezilo viac dni a topit sa zacal az…
Festive season / Vianocne sviatky
It’s that time of the year again. Today, I woke up to snow covered country. Christmas is white! 😊 I wish you and your loved ones merry and joyful holidays. 🎄 Dnes rano som sa zobudila do krasneho bieleho dna. Konecne biele Vianoce! To tu uz dlho nebolo. 😊 Krasne a pohodove sviatky plne smiechu, stastia, zdravia, lasky a spokojnosti vam prajem. 🎄
Christmas spirit of 2021
Waiting for a snow cover in the deserted but beautifully decorated streets.
Nature walks: Prechadzka Hradok- Javornicek
Pohodová prechádzka jarným v lesoch pod Inovcom, cieľ bol Chata pod Javorníčkom. Užite si výhľady na zeleň a na okolité kopce. A light and leisurely forest walk in the hill below Inovec, with destination Chata pod Javorníčkom. Enjoy the greenery and the views.
Photo: Sunset at Slnava lake
Foto – V lese
Foto – Bezovec
Slovakia: Tatranska Lomnica
High Tatras are a popular destination also for me. I love the areas around Strbske pleso, but Tatranska Lomnica with Lomnicky stit, ski slopes for beginner skiers, view points and chalets has its charm.
Discovering Slovakia: Inovec
Mountain range Považský Inovec is spreading along the river Váh between cities Piešťany and Trenčín. The area is favourite for hiking.
Discovering Slovakia: Liptovska Mara Dam
Liptovská Mara is the third largest dam in Slovakia. Located in the Liptov region, it is my favourite stop on the way from High Tatras, Jasna, or other road trips in the Liptov region (Bešeňová, Lúčky, Hrabovo, Vlkolínec, Pribylina...).
Discovering Slovakia: Castle in Trencin
There is a lot of castles in Slovakia. Some are still standing and open for public visits, others are only ruins, like Beckov . Castle in Trencin belongs to the first category. It is located up on a hill towering over the city and it is visible from almost anywhere. My favourite view is when driving from the sport recreational area on the island or from the highway in the distance.
Discovering Slovakia: Úzka dolina, Západné Tatry
Okrem Pribyliny a Štrbského plesa som vybehla aj do Liptovskej časti Tatier, konkrétne do Úzkej doliny, ktorá je štartovacou stanicou pre túry do Račkovej a Jamnickej doliny.
Discovering Slovakia: Open-air museum in Pribylina
Open-air museum in Pribylina looks like a typical historical village in the Liptov region. You can visit houses, a mansion, a church, a school, a Bell tower and a farmhouse.
Discovering Slovakia: Orava dam (Oravska priehrada)
Oravská priehrada (Orava dam) in the Orava region of Northern Slovakia is an artificial lake and the largest dam in Slovakia.
Discovering Slovakia: Liptovska Mara
Liptovská Mara is the third largest dam in Slovakia. Located in the Liptov region, it is my favourite stop on the way from High Tatras, Jasna, or other road trips in the Liptov region (Bešeňová, Lúčky, Hrabovo, Vlkolínec, Pribylina...).
Discovering Slovakia: Strbske Pleso
Štrbské Pleso is a glacial lake in the High Tatra mountains in northern Slovakia. The area is a favorite tourist resort all year round.
Discovering Slovakia: Open-air museum in Vlkolinec
Vlkolínec is a small village located in the centre of Slovakia near Ružomberok. It is a so-called skanzen - a settlement of 45 historical buildings,
Drawings: Aquarelle 2016
A selection of my aquarelle / watercolor paintings made in 2016.
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