Seychelles: Beau Vallon
Beau Vallon is a small city in the Beau Vallon bay on the northwestern side of the main island Mahe. The magnificient beach is lined up by restaurants, resorts and houses. The beach is several kilometers long and accessible to public (most of the beaches on Mahe are for public).
Seychelles: Sunset at Anse Intendance
Anse Intendance is certainly one of the most beautiful beaches I’ve seen on Mahe. Its is relatively remote, located in the south of the island, with Banyan Tree Resort spreading on the right side. White sandy beach, azure sea (Indian ocean, actually) and splendid sunset views – just amazing. The waves were quite high and the currents seemed strong, but the sunset was magical. What do you think?
Seychelly: Západ slnka na Anse Intendance
Anse Intendance je jedna z najkrajších pláží, aké som videla. Je to odľahlá (takže takmer prázdna) ale nádherná piesková pláž na juhu Mahé, na pravej strane je Banyan Tree resort. Indický oceán je azúrovo modrý, ale vlny boli vysoké a prúd s mi zdal dosť silný. A západ slnka… Veď posúďte sami. 🙂