Sri Lanka: Safari trip and how to spot warnings from elephants
A safari in Sri Lanka offers the opportunity to watch elephants in their natural habitat. During my last visit of the island I did not hesitate and went elephant-watching again. We were lucky right from the start and encountered a small family of elephants. They were peacefully grazing near the road, so we watched them for a while.
Sri Lankan Eagle
During a safari trip on Sri Lanka, I saw this eagle sitting atop a dry tree just casually looking around. I could not resist and took several photos.
Plánujete navštíviť juh Srí Lanky? Určite zájdite na safari
Ak plánujete navštíviť Srí Lanku, pridajte si do cestovného plánu aj návštevu aspoň jedného zo safari parkov. Je to dobrá príležitosť vidieť nielen slony, opice a pávy, ktorých je na Srí Lanke veľa, ale aj iné zvieratá vo voľnej prírode.
Slony na Srí Lanke
Srí Lanské slony sú ázijského typu bez klov, s kratšími ušami, tmavšou kožou, plochším chrbtom a jednoprstým chobotom (pre porovnanie s Africkými slonmi).
Sri Lankan Elephants
Elephants in Sri Lanka are different than those in Africa. Asian elephants have no tusks, shorter ears, rounded backs and smoother darker skin.
Visiting south of Sri Lanka? Try safari in one of the national parks
If you would like to see elephants, buffaloes or leopards, Sri Lankan national parks are also a place to go to. In fact, elephant (and other wild animal and bird) watching in Sri Lanka is a similar business as a safari in Africa.
Na safari – foto
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