Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura – the ancient capital
I always found Sri Lanka, an island country with rich history, lush greenery and marvellous cuisine, very attractive to visit. I had explored the southern part of the island years ago, and recently, I found myself wandering through the heart of the country, discovering gems like Anuradhapura, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Kandy, and Pinnawala. Anuradhapura, an ancient city that once stood as the island’s capital from the 4th century BC to the 10th century AD, is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s home to many archaeological sites, including stupas, statues, palaces and monasteries. My visit included the Ruwanwelisaya white stupa and the sacred Bodhi tree. Slovenská verzia: Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura –…
Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura – starodávne hlavné mesto
Anuradhapura je starobylé mesto, ktoré kedysi slúžilo ako hlavné mesto ostrova od 4. storočia pred Kristom do 10. storočia po Kristom a dnes je zapísané na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO. Je známe pre archeologické pamiatky, vrátane stúp, sôch, palácov a kláštorov. Na mojom zozname stála Biela stupa a posvätný Bodhi strom.