Energia v digitálnom veku: Prečo je kybernetická bezpečnosť dôležitá
In October, I had the honor of presenting at the EPI Conference on a topic that is becoming increasingly important in our digital age: the intersection of energy security and cybersecurity. As our efforts to achieve a low-carbon economy and technological advancements reshape the traditional energy system, the integration of digital technologies introduces new vulnerabilities. Ensuring the security of our energy infrastructure against cyber threats is essential not just at the national level but also for businesses and households. This blog explores how cyber threats, such as ransomware and DDoS attacks, can disrupt our energy supply and offers practical recommendations to enhance our cybersecurity measures.
Slovakia on the path to carbon neutrality: What does it mean for you?
As one of the humble authors, I am excited to share our work on the importance of achieving carbon neutrality in Slovakia by 2050. In this report, we aim to enhance discussions in the public domain, promote cooperation among government bodies, and provide informative insights for policymakers, businesses, and the public. Let's dive into the analysis and discover the noteworthy messages it holds.
Slovensko na ceste k uhlíkovej neutralite: Čo to znamená pre vás?
Ako aj v minulosti, i nedávno som prispela svojou troškou k aktualizovanej verzii reportu "Nízko-uhlíkové Slovensko 2050, Aktualizácia analýzy scenárov vývoja emisií skleníkových plynov v Slovenskej republike". Report bol vypublikovaný v januári 2024 a popisuje aktualizovaný scenár dosiahnutia nulových emisií v roku 2050 pre Slovenskú republiku na základe nastavenia a výsledkov v modeli Pathways Explorer 2050.
What do I mean when I talk about KEP?
The Climate and Energy Plan for a city or municipality should analyze the basic structure of energy, water, waste, vehicles and other activities within the operation or assets in the ownership of the city and local government. This includes municipal buildings (including schools, social facilities, administrative and other buildings), service vehicles, greenery services, cemeteries, sports facilities, public lighting, traffic lights and the city's public transport.
O čom hovorím, keď vravím o KEP?
Climate and energy plan for a small municipality as a high level strategy document highlights the need to invest into the municipal property - buildings, street lighting, district heating and others to mitigate climate change.
Reflection on How Slovakia Can Achieve Carbon Neutrality by 2050
Report with scenario analysis about how Slovakia can achieve carbon neutrality by 2050 - from buildings, transportation, energy, to industry and agriculture.
Zamyslenie nad spôsobom, ako môže Slovensko dosiahnuť uhlíkovú neutralitu do roku 2050
A study of the Institute of the Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences with scenario analysis of sectors of Energy, Industry, Buildings, Transport and Agriculture and Forestry aiming at reaching carbon neutrality in Slovakia to 2050.