O čom hovorím, keď vravím o KEP?
Climate and energy plan for a small municipality as a high level strategy document highlights the need to invest into the municipal property - buildings, street lighting, district heating and others to mitigate climate change.
White Christmas – A Vianoce boli biele
This year, surprisingly, Christmas was white. 😊 My grandma was telling that already weeks in advance and I did not believe her. I don’t even remeber that much snowfall during the holiday season. In the past, even if it fell overnight, it melted quickly in the morning. This year it was different thanks to freezing temperatures. Tento rok boli Vianoce biele. Moja stara mama to predpovedala s tyzdnovym predstihom, no neverila som jej. Teraz sa jej ospravedlnujem. 😊 Ani si nepamatam, kedy boli naposledky sviatky biele. V minulosti, aj ked napadol v noci sneh, rano sa roztopil. No tentokrat to bolo inak. Snezilo viac dni a topit sa zacal az…
Festive season / Vianocne sviatky
It’s that time of the year again. Today, I woke up to snow covered country. Christmas is white! 😊 I wish you and your loved ones merry and joyful holidays. 🎄 Dnes rano som sa zobudila do krasneho bieleho dna. Konecne biele Vianoce! To tu uz dlho nebolo. 😊 Krasne a pohodove sviatky plne smiechu, stastia, zdravia, lasky a spokojnosti vam prajem. 🎄
Christmas spirit of 2021
Waiting for a snow cover in the deserted but beautifully decorated streets.
Photo: Sunset at Slnava lake
Zamyslenie nad vzájomnou pomocou a rebríčkami, kde nechcete byť
Neverim, ze ludom je to jedno. Neverim, ze osobne pohodlie je viac ako zivot cloveka. Neverim, ze cloveku v nudzi nikto nepoda pomocnu ruku. Dufam, ze ta spolupatricnost a ochota pomoct tu este stale je. Ze ju za ten cas frustracia nevytlacila.
Drawings: Aquarelle 2016
A selection of my aquarelle / watercolor paintings made in 2016.
Photo: Piestany in golden light
I can't help myself. I keep staring at this photo taken by my dad on the river shore in Piestany (Slovakia) on 1st March 2017. The setting sun made the hills look golden and the dark clouds and its reflection in the river give the picture a magical feeling.
Slovakia: Freezing cold January weather reminded me of childhood
Day temperatures below -10C and falling below -20C during the night. That was the first decade of January 2017 in my hometown Piestany in Slovakia. For some, extremely cold. For others, not so.
Photos: Snowy holidays in Slovakia
So 2016 has moved on and we are now in 2017. Hope you all had a good start. Here is a collection of snowy landscape during a holiday trip to Bezovec, a small skiing resort not far from Piestany, Slovakia. Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2017. 🙂
Autumn walks: Piestany, Slovakia
This year I realized how much I missed autumn when in the UAE. I could not stop walking around parks and admiring all the colorful beauty around me and so here are a some of my photos.
Clouds bringing summer thunderstorm, Piestany, Slovakia
An animated photo of fast approaching summer thunderstorm clouds.
Photo: Piešťany in the morning
I could not resist taking a few photos during my morning jog. The weather was amazing and the morning sunlight is sharper than the evening one.
Pieštany: Otvorenie letnej kúpeľnej sezóny 2016
The first Saturday in June is in my hometown a traditional annual celebration of opening of the summer season. Piešťany, my hometown, is symbolised by the blue, yellow and white colors, hence the color of the balloons.
Discovering Slovakia: A short trip to Kocovce, Slovakia
Hrobka rodiny Rakovských je jedným z miest, pri ktorom sa môžete pristaviť, ak sa vyberiete po náučnom chodníku Rakovských v Kočovciach.
Photogallery: Piešťany, Slovakia
I now spend more time in my hometown Piešťany in Slovakia and that means I also have more opportunities to snap photos of this beautiful city. Enjoy the photo gallery.
Reflections on the Water, Piestany, Slovakia
A Bench at the Lake
Photo: Forsythia blooming just in time
Happy Easter, everyone! 🙂
Photo: View of Slnava Lake, Piestany, Slovakia
Photo: Thermal ponds in Piešťany
These small ponds with hot thermal water, full of water lilies, colorful fish, terrapins and turtles are my favourite recreational spot in my hometown, Piešťany.