Photo: Outside of the mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Photo: Fountain at the sea promenade in Abu Dhabi
Photo: Relax in front of the Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Foto: Oddych pred Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Photo: Artistic Details at Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi
Foto: Detaily v mešite Šejka Zayeda, Abu Dhabi
UAE: Cycling in Abu Dhabi
On 8-11 October 2015, the emirate of Abu Dhabi hosted a premiere of cycling competition Abu Dhabi Tour, which is now also part of the official UCI calendar (International Cycling Union).
Photo: Desert sunset – office view from Masdar City
Foto: Západ slnka v púštnej časti Abu Dhabi, výhľad z kancelárie v Masdar City
Foto: Fontána na promenáde pri západe slnka, Abu Dhabi
Photo: Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Foto: Pred Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Photo: Leisurely Weekend Lunch at Li Beirut, Abu Dhabi
Li Beirut offers fantastic Middle Eastern dishes. It is located in the Jumeirah hotel at Etihad Towers in Abu Dhabi. I used to eat there very often and last Friday I enjoyed again a selection of Mezze – this time Hoummus, Moutabbal, Fattoush and Chicken liver in pomegranate sauce.
SAE: Vikendovy obed v Li Beirut, Abu Dhabi
Li Beirut je reštaurácia v hoteli Jumeirah v Etihad Towers, Abu Dhabi. Varia tu skvelé jedlá z Blízkeho východu a môžete sa pri konzumácii kochať výhladom na more. Minulý piatok som si znova vychutnala výberové mezze: humus, mutabal, fatoush a kuracie pečienky v omáčke z granátového jablka. Mňam.
SAE: Abu Dhabsky zapad slnka
Photo: Abu Dhabi Sunset
African cuisine – Ethiopian food
My first experience with African food came surprisingly in Abu Dhabi where I tried dished from Mali, Zimbabwe, Sudan and Ethiopia. Ethiopian food is simple but very tasty. You will literally lick your fingers as you will eat your food with them.
Photo: Monet’s garden in Giverny, France
I have visited Giverny in April 2011. It is a small village approximately one hour driving from Paris. There is an older house with a beautiful garden where french impressionist painter Claude Monet lived.
Foto: Monetova záhrada v Giverny, Francúzsko
Giverny som navštívila v jeden aprílový deň v roku 2011. Je to malé mestečko severne od Paríža, asi hodinu cesty po diaľnici. Nachádza sa tu domček, v ktorom žil francúzsky impressionistický maliar Claude Monet. Krásne záhrady okolo domčeka ho inšpirovali k jeho známym maľbám.
Photo: Oslo’s Opera House
I made a short roundtrip to Oslo recently and did not have an opportunity to take any pictures so I browsed my photo library. This is Oslo’s Opera House at sunset in October 2011.
Foto: Dom Opery v Osle
Bola som nedávno na krátko v Osle, ale nestíhala som ani fotiť. Tak som prehrabala záznamy. Toto je fotka z októbra 2011. Najprv som netušila, po čom chodím, až potom som zistila, že je to Dom Opery.