UAE: Middle Eastern delicacies
Abu Dhabi was not only about sun, sea and work, but also food. The city is full of top restaurants with delicacies from almost any cuisine in the world.
Omán: Pár slov k dobrodružstvu v Maskáte
Znova do Ománu. Priznám sa bez mučenia, tá krajina sa mi páči najmä kontrastom s Emirátmi. Emiráty, to sú palmy, púšť a ťavy. Omán, to sú palmy, hory a kozy. O krajine sa podrobnejšie rozpíšem neskôr, teraz sa pozrime na hlavné mesto. Staré mesto
Oman: Weekend trip to Muscat
Oman again. I happily admit I really like Oman mostly because of its nature strongly contrasting the UAE. The Emirates, that‘s palm trees, desert and camels. Oman, that’s palm trees, mountains and goats. I will write more about the country itself later, let’s focus on the capital city now.