Switzerland: Fireworks everywhere / Ohňostroje
Swiss celebrated their national day on 1 August and finished the celebrations with fireworks and bonfires. I watched it from the french side of Lac Leman.
France: Jardin de 5 Sens, Yvoire
There is an interesting sensory garden in Yvoire - Garden of Five Senses. This project is on for already more than 30 years. It is full of flowers, herbs, trees and fountains built into several areas, each dedicated to one of five senses - Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch.
France: Again in Yvoire
After a year I again returned to the medieval city of Yvoire on the coast of Lake Leman. This time I plan to visit places I did not get to last time, like Jardin de 5 Sens, Evian or nearby Chateaux.
A small fishing village of Nernier
Nernier is a small village with medieval houses in the close vicinity to Yvoire. In fact, there is a walking trail from Yvoire, which used to be path of some of my evening runs.
France: Yvoire – Leman lake views
A beautiful medieval village of Yvoire lies on the French shore of Lac Leman surrounded by picturesque peaks of French Alps. This post contains a selection of the best views during my the summer of 2017 stay.
France: Yvoire – Sunrises, sunsets and other scenic photos
This post contains some of the best photos of the sunsets and landscape of the French Alps and Lac Leman from the beautiful medieval village of Yvoire, where I spent the summer of 2017.
France: Medieval village of Yvoire
A beautiful medieval village of Yvoire lies on the French shore of Lac Leman surrounded by picturesque peaks of French Alps. The village has a boat connection from Geneva, Nyon and Lausanne and is a popular target with tourists especially in the summer. The medieval city center is small, cosy and full of flowers. From the spots, the most interesting are the castle, the Garden of 5 senses, the domaine de Rovorrée and, of course, the lake shore.
Connected (How to maintain long-distance friendships?)
In the past few months I was present online very sporadically. I spent a lot of time in enjoying personal interactions with my friends and family and it has been quite energising.
Pripojená (Ako si udržať kamarátov, keď sa sťahujete z miesta na miesto?)
Áno, viem, posledných pár mesiacov som sa na blogoch a online sieťach trochu odmlčala. Rozhodla som sa stráviť menej času online a viac s rodinou, priateľmi a známymi. Dodalo mi to veľa energie, nápadov a chuti do života. Elegantné veže Etihad Towers, moje bydlisko v Abu Dhabi
Photo: Monet’s garden in Giverny, France
I have visited Giverny in April 2011. It is a small village approximately one hour driving from Paris. There is an older house with a beautiful garden where french impressionist painter Claude Monet lived.
Foto: Monetova záhrada v Giverny, Francúzsko
Giverny som navštívila v jeden aprílový deň v roku 2011. Je to malé mestečko severne od Paríža, asi hodinu cesty po diaľnici. Nachádza sa tu domček, v ktorom žil francúzsky impressionistický maliar Claude Monet. Krásne záhrady okolo domčeka ho inšpirovali k jeho známym maľbám.