Photos: Hungarian Gastronomy
Hungarian gastronomy is great. You will find perkelt, "gnocchi", langos, halaszlé, goulash and specialties from goose, duck, sea creatures or even "soups" in a paper cup. It's worth trying.
U susedov: Potulky Budapešťou
Budapešť je krásna, dýcha tu história, jedlo je skvelé a maďarská kúpeľná kultúra má tiež čosi do seba. Mesto samotné, vrátane nabrežia Dunaja, štvrte s kráľovským palácom a Andrássyho ulica sú zapísané na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO od roku 1987.
Hungary: A weekend break in Budapest
A beautiful city full of history, good food and wellness culture - that's how I would describe Budapest, the capital of Hungary. It is also on UNESCO's World heritage sites list since 1987.
UAE: Middle Eastern delicacies
Abu Dhabi was not only about sun, sea and work, but also food. The city is full of top restaurants with delicacies from almost any cuisine in the world.
Greek food
Greek food is delicious. The locals usually start a day with coffee and sometimes also a piece of pastry for breakfast. There is a lot of small cafeterias with a few chairs and a table.
Seychellské pochúťky
Dve lokálne jedlá vytŕčajú z ponuky tunajších reštaurácií. Jedným je grilovaná ryba s kreolskou omáčkou – môžem povedať, že tento Red Snapper bol výborný. Kreolská omáčka je robená z rajčín a, aj keď tam ide aj cibuľa, mne pripravili bez. 🙂
Delicatesses Seychellois
Two Seychellois dishes stand out in the local restaurants. One is grilled fish with creole sauce – this red snapper was really delicious. The Creole sauce is made from tomatoes and onion, though mine was prepared on demand without. 🙂
SAE: Kórejská kuchyňa – hodina varenia
V rámci Kórejského týždňa v SAE v Abu Dhabskom Národnom divadle (21-23 novembra 2013), zorganizovali Kórejčania aj demonštráciu prípravy piatich tradičných pokrmov – japtchae, kimbab, galbi bui, bibimbab a kimchi. Záujem bol nad očakávanie, viac ľudí sa zúčastnilo už len večere zdarma. Ja som z tohoto podujatia odchádzala spokojná, s plným žalúdkom, mapou a turistickým sprievocom Kóreou a najmä so zoznamom kórejských reštaurácií v meste. Vezmeme ich s kolegami jednu po druhej. Národné divadlo Národné divadlo Japtchae Kimbab Inšpirácia Inšpirácia Inšpirácia Program varenia Program varenia Program varenia
UAE: Korean food cooking class
As part of the Korea week in UAE in the Abu Dhabi National Theater (21-23. 11. 2013), there was a demonstration of how to prepare five traditional Korean dishes – japtchae, kimbab, galbi bui, bibimbab and kimchi. Quite a lot of people turned up for this demonstration, more showed up only for free Korean dinner later. I left the event happy with full stomach, a map and a tourist guide of Korea and most importantly, the list of Korean restaurants in town. We’ll be checking them one by one.
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