Echo: Strengthening cyber resilience in the EU’s energy sector: Insights from the latest ENISA report
A new report provides the first comprehensive overview of cybersecurity in the EU’s energy sectors. It focuses on supply chain risks, technical vulnerabilities, and sector-specific threats. Member States and ENISA are urged to swiftly implement recommendations to strengthen resilience.
Echo: Posilnenie kybernetickej odolnosti v energetike EÚ: Čo nám priniesla najnovšia správa?
Nová správa prináša prvý komplexný prehľad kybernetickej bezpečnosti v energetike EÚ. Zameriava sa na riziká v dodávateľských reťazcoch, technické zraniteľnosti a špecifické hrozby pre oba sektory.
Echo: Počasie si s nami robí, čo chce
Rok 2023 bol globálne najteplejším rokom v histórii, čo je ďalším podporným dôkazom zmeny klímy. A najviac sa oteplilo v Európe.
Echo: European weather in 2023
2023 was globally the warmest year on record, emphasizing the widespread impact of climate change. Europe stood at the forefront of this.
Fig tree bay, Protaras, Cyprus
Na sneh ostala uz len spomienka. Pri Silvestrovskych 11°C fyzika nepusti. 😉 V kazdom pripade mali posledne dni roka svoje caro. A pre ten dalsi rok vam prajem, nech vas kazdy den v roku 2022 obklopuje laska, harmonia, hojnost, mudrost a zazraky. 🎆 White snow is now, the last day of the 2021 only a memory. With 11°C outside temperature there no other way. 😉 Last days of the year had their charm. And for the next year, I wish you are surrounded with love, harmony, abundance, wisdom and miracles. 🎆
White Christmas – A Vianoce boli biele
This year, surprisingly, Christmas was white. 😊 My grandma was telling that already weeks in advance and I did not believe her. I don’t even remeber that much snowfall during the holiday season. In the past, even if it fell overnight, it melted quickly in the morning. This year it was different thanks to freezing temperatures. Tento rok boli Vianoce biele. Moja stara mama to predpovedala s tyzdnovym predstihom, no neverila som jej. Teraz sa jej ospravedlnujem. 😊 Ani si nepamatam, kedy boli naposledky sviatky biele. V minulosti, aj ked napadol v noci sneh, rano sa roztopil. No tentokrat to bolo inak. Snezilo viac dni a topit sa zacal az…
Festive season / Vianocne sviatky
It’s that time of the year again. Today, I woke up to snow covered country. Christmas is white! 😊 I wish you and your loved ones merry and joyful holidays. 🎄 Dnes rano som sa zobudila do krasneho bieleho dna. Konecne biele Vianoce! To tu uz dlho nebolo. 😊 Krasne a pohodove sviatky plne smiechu, stastia, zdravia, lasky a spokojnosti vam prajem. 🎄
Nature walks: Prechadzka Hradok- Javornicek
Pohodová prechádzka jarným v lesoch pod Inovcom, cieľ bol Chata pod Javorníčkom. Užite si výhľady na zeleň a na okolité kopce. A light and leisurely forest walk in the hill below Inovec, with destination Chata pod Javorníčkom. Enjoy the greenery and the views.
Photo: Sunset at Slnava lake
Slovakia: Tatranska Lomnica
High Tatras are a popular destination also for me. I love the areas around Strbske pleso, but Tatranska Lomnica with Lomnicky stit, ski slopes for beginner skiers, view points and chalets has its charm.
Slovakia: Bachledka ski resort and treetop viewpoint
Bachledova dolina (Bachledova valley) is a popular ski resort in the eastern Tatra mountains. When tired (like I was that day), the tree top view and walk point offers amazing views of both – the Slovak and the Polish mountains. The tree top walkway takes about 10 mins to reach a view tower. I was a bit hesitant stepping onto the net at the top. But the views were amazing and I set a reminder to myself – to return in the summer.
Switzerland: Fireworks everywhere / Ohňostroje
Swiss celebrated their national day on 1 August and finished the celebrations with fireworks and bonfires. I watched it from the french side of Lac Leman.
France: Again in Yvoire
After a year I again returned to the medieval city of Yvoire on the coast of Lake Leman. This time I plan to visit places I did not get to last time, like Jardin de 5 Sens, Evian or nearby Chateaux.
Czech Republic: Boat trip Prague -> Slapy
Czechs are famous for their favourite weekend past time - tending to their summer houses - which are anything from simple sheds, cabin lodges, huts to luxurious chalets - and river sailing. So during one visit in Prague I decided to give it a go and set by a steamboat on Vltava river to Slapy.
Hungary: Ezstergom / Ostrihom
Ezstergom, a Hungarian city on a southern bank of Danube, connected to Slovakia's Štúrovo by a historical bridge of Maria Valeria from 1895. Ezstergom's old city streets are charming, but the most well known is its basilica atop the hill and a palace owned by Ezsterhazy family, now a museum.
Hungary: Visegrad / Vyšehrad
Visegrad is a small Hungarian city often mentioned in the history. A castle from 4th century atop the hill offers magnificent views of river Danube.
Hungary: Budapest on photos
Budapest is split into two parts by the Danube river - Buda on the west and Pest on the east - connected by several bridges with the Chain bridge (Lánchíd), Elisabeth bridge (Erzsébet híd) and Independence bridge (Szabadság) being the most interesting.
Hungary: Budapest’s Városliget park and the surroundings
In the Városliget park there is the zoo, the amusement park, as well as the Széchenyi furdo, and the Vajdahunyad Palace - a mixup of the Gothic and Renaissance architecture. A short walk around the park and the surrounding area is definitely worth it.
Hungary: House of Parliament in Budapest
A a photogallery of the Houses of Parliament in Budapest, Hungary.
Hungary: St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Budapest
One of the dominant features of Pest side of Budapest is the historic St. Stephen's Cathedral at St. Stephen's Square.
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