Kreslenie: Technika Dry Brush alebo “na sucho”
Teraz vám predstavím techniku Dry Brush, v doslovnom preklade "suchý štetec". Je to veľmi jednoduchá technika a výsledky sú fakt skvelé.
Drawing: Dry brush
I was surprised how easy it was to paint with a technique called dry brush. You use a "dry brush" on dry paper. There is only color on the brush, but you can tip it into a small amount of oil or water.
Drawings: Pencil sketches 2016
Since I learnt how to draw, I try to draw or paint often. I prefer colorful drawings, but I also like the dramatic black-and-white look of a pencil or charcoal sketches.
Drawings: Aquarelle 2016
A selection of my aquarelle / watercolor paintings made in 2016.
Drawings: Pastel sketches and drawings (2016)
Since I learnt how to draw, I try to draw or paint often. I like colorful drawings and especially drawings with bold colours of dry pastel. Here is a selection of my pastel drawings and rough sketches from 2016.
Drawings: Cuban sketches
When I visited Cuba in October 2016, I also took colored pencils and my sketchbook with me. And as I expected, the island offered me plenty of ideas for my creative side. Here is a selection of sketches I made on the way.
Kreslenie: Konečne farby (Suchý pastel)
Po zahriatí sa pastelkami som chcela odskúšať inú techniku. Farbičky sú síce fajn a nerobia bordel, ale farby sa mi nezdajú dosť výrazné. Ja by som strašne chcela obrázky s veľmi sýtymi farbami.
Drawing: Colour and More Colour with Dry Pastel
Coloured pencil drawing is easy, but I prefer more intense colours. So next came dry pastel. A technique that can ...
Drawing: Starting with Colours
After early images made by a simple pencil or with graphite pencil, I wanted to use more colours. Color theory and color wheel was easy to understand.
Kreslenie: Kresbičky farbičkami
Moje obdobie obliekania čiernej sa skončilo po strednej, ale od "výšky" prešla na farby. Rovnako aj svoje počiatočné kresliace pokusy som začala čiernobielo a postupne prešla na farby.
Kreslenie pravou mozgovou hemisférou
Už na strednej som s trochou závisti (ale v dobrom) obdivovala ako moja kamarátka dokáže nakresliť hocičo. Pár krát som sa aj odvážila
Drawing: How I learnt how to draw
I always wanted to draw. The problem was, my drawings were always a disaster. :-) Until I discovered ...