Drawings: Cuban sketches
When I visited Cuba in October 2016, I also took colored pencils and my sketchbook with me. And as I expected, the island offered me plenty of ideas for my creative side. Here is a selection of sketches I made on the way.
Cuba: Playa Giron
In the south of the Cuba there is a place called Playa Giron, or Bahia de Cochinos, or in simple English the Bay of Pigs with a beach resort for tourists suitable for diving and snorkeling.
Cuba: Famous places connected to Fidel Castro and his revolution
After the news of Fidel Castro passing away, I cannot resist not to publish this impromptu blog post. I am not going to write about the history and his biography. You can now find a lot of articles related to all this in the media.
Fidelova Kuba
Fidel Castro prispel spoločnosti svojou troškou a tak každé správne médium - či už TV, rádio alebo noviny - určite prinesú kopec zaujímavých článkov o jeho osobe, živote, o revolúcii a podobne. Tu to doplním fotkami miest, ktoré sú pripomienkami niektorej časti jeho života a tvorby.
Discovering Cuba in 14 days
What do you know about Cuba? That was my first question after deciding on my next trip destination. Now after my return back I have to admit, I knew a little about this beautiful island between the Atlantic ocean and Caribbean. I knew Havana is the capital city, people speak Spanish,
Okolo Kuby za 14 dní
Čo viete o Kube? Že to je ostrov v severnom Karibiku, na pomedzí Atlantického oceánu a Karibského mora. Hlavné mesto je Havana. Vládne tam komunizmus. Vodcom národa je Fidel Castro, ktorý oslávuje tento rok 90-tku a ...