Drawings: Pencil sketches 2016
Since I learnt how to draw, I try to draw or paint often. I prefer colorful drawings, but I also like the dramatic black-and-white look of a pencil or charcoal sketches.
Photo: Fountain at the sea promenade in Abu Dhabi
Foto: Fontána na promenáde pri západe slnka, Abu Dhabi
SAE: Abu Dhabsky zapad slnka
Photo: Abu Dhabi Sunset
SAE: Formula 1
Tak predsa! Predsa len sa mi podarilo vidieť na živo preteky Formuly 1. 🙂 Ale tieto boli na vode. Začiatkom decembra tu boli Majstrovstvá Formuly 1 motorových člnov, tzv. “powerboats”. Tie preteky Formuly 1 po súši, tak ako ich pozná väčšina, sa konali už začiatkom novembra, ale nepodarilo sa mi zohnať lístky. Ale nevadí, predpokladám, že úroveň hluku bola dosť podobná. 🙂
UAE: Formula 1
In the end, I managed to see the Formula 1 race live. 🙂 This one was on the water. At the begining of December, there is Formula 1 championship in powerboat races on the Breakwater. The Formula 1 race as you know it was at the begining of November on the Yas Island circuit, but somehow did not manage to get hold of the tickets. Never mind, I am certain the noise level was similar… 🙂
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