Sri Lanka: Mesto, jazero a kopce v Kandy
Po príchode do Kandy som bola nadšená životom na uliciach a mestom samotným. Čulý ruch mesta ma uchvátil. O to viac, že niekoľko dní predtým som strávila v relatívne pokojnej oblasti v džungli.
Sri Lanka: Lake, city and hills of Kandy
Upon arrival in Kandy, I have been both thrilled and overwhelmed by the vibrant city streets. From the cars, tuk-tuks, buses, trucks to the occasional cyclists, the city's lively traffic took me by surprise. More so, as the few days prior I spent in the relatively calm jungle area.
Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura – the ancient capital
I always found Sri Lanka, an island country with rich history, lush greenery and marvellous cuisine, very attractive to visit. I had explored the southern part of the island years ago, and recently, I found myself wandering through the heart of the country, discovering gems like Anuradhapura, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Kandy, and Pinnawala. Anuradhapura, an ancient city that once stood as the island’s capital from the 4th century BC to the 10th century AD, is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s home to many archaeological sites, including stupas, statues, palaces and monasteries. My visit included the Ruwanwelisaya white stupa and the sacred Bodhi tree. Slovenská verzia: Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura –…
Sri Lanka: Safari trip and how to spot warnings from elephants
A safari in Sri Lanka offers the opportunity to watch elephants in their natural habitat. During my last visit of the island I did not hesitate and went elephant-watching again. We were lucky right from the start and encountered a small family of elephants. They were peacefully grazing near the road, so we watched them for a while.
Sri Lanka: Výstup na Sigiriyu – Leviu skalu
Sigiriya, označovaná aj ako Levia skala, sa nachádza v centrálnom okrese Matale blízko mesta Dambulla na Srí Lanke. Sigiriya je považovaná za jedno z najlepšie zachovaných príkladov starovekého mestského plánovania a od roku 1982 je zapísaná na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO. Je to jedna z najnavštevovanejších turistických atrakcií na Srí Lanke a dôležitá súčasť kultúrneho dedičstva krajiny.
Sri Lanka: The climb to Sigiriya – the Lion Rock
Sigiriya, often referred to as the Lion Rock, is located in the central Matale District near the town of Dambulla in Sri Lanka. Sigiriya is considered one of the best-preserved examples of ancient urban planning and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Sri Lanka and is an important part of the country's cultural heritage.
Bangkok alebo Krung Thep Maha Nakhon
Bangkok je najvacsim mestom Thajskeho kralovstva a casto vstupnou branou pre turistov mieriacich do krajiny a dalej na piesocne plaze za oddychom. Tych “par” tisicov turistov, ktori mestom za den prejdu, by sa medzi viac ako 8 milionmi Thajcov celkom stratili, nebyt toho, ze sa vsetci vyberu obzriet tie iste pamiatky v rovnaky den a cas ako vy. Na tych miestach je fakt natresk a je na sikovnosti vas alebo vasho spolocnika, ci sprievodcu, aku trasu a taktiku zvolite. Z pamiatok naozaj odporucam nevynechat navstevu tychto – kralovsky palac (Royal palace), chramy Wat Arun a Wat Pho. Ak mate cas, vyberte si okrem toho, co vas zaujima. Mne sa pacil…
Sri Lankan Eagle
During a safari trip on Sri Lanka, I saw this eagle sitting atop a dry tree just casually looking around. I could not resist and took several photos.
Plánujete navštíviť juh Srí Lanky? Určite zájdite na safari
Ak plánujete navštíviť Srí Lanku, pridajte si do cestovného plánu aj návštevu aspoň jedného zo safari parkov. Je to dobrá príležitosť vidieť nielen slony, opice a pávy, ktorých je na Srí Lanke veľa, ale aj iné zvieratá vo voľnej prírode.
Slony na Srí Lanke
Srí Lanské slony sú ázijského typu bez klov, s kratšími ušami, tmavšou kožou, plochším chrbtom a jednoprstým chobotom (pre porovnanie s Africkými slonmi).
Sri Lankan Elephants
Elephants in Sri Lanka are different than those in Africa. Asian elephants have no tusks, shorter ears, rounded backs and smoother darker skin.
Visiting south of Sri Lanka? Try safari in one of the national parks
If you would like to see elephants, buffaloes or leopards, Sri Lankan national parks are also a place to go to. In fact, elephant (and other wild animal and bird) watching in Sri Lanka is a similar business as a safari in Africa.
Photo: River in Himalayas, Nepal
Pokhara, a city in the eastern Nepal, is a starting point for trips and expeditions to eastern Himalayas. The well known Annapurna trek circuit could take around 16 days, but there are plenty of options for shorter treks, like a 3-4 day trek to Poon Hill. You will report your trek plan and pay a fee to enter the Himalaya trekking zone. Your guides usually arrange these formalities. The accommodation is in small mountain villages. The scenery is stunning and you will pass also the river below.
Photo: Sunset over Annapurna II
Sunset over Annapurna II peak, 7937 m, in Himalayas. Photo taken in the evening in October 2014 from a hotel roof in Pokhara, Nepal.
5 reasons for visiting Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka was not originally among countries I always dreamed to travel to, like Jordan, Italy, France or Norway, for example. The country appeared on my travel bucket list more by a chance. First, one of my best friends entertained the idea of visiting Sri Lanka, but this was just around the time the peace agreement between the government and Tamil Tigers had been signed and I did not consider visiting the country safe, yet. Several years later I moved to Abu Dhabi and researched Sri Lanka for my list of "safe-and-easy-to-reach" travel destinations. And after talking about the country with my fantastic colleagues who either were born on the…
Päť dôvodov prečo sa oplatí navštíviť Srí Lanku
Musím sa priznať, Srí Lanka sa medzi mojimi cestovateľskými snami, kde dlho trónili Taliansko, Nórsko a Jordánsko, objavila viac menej náhodou. Už dávnejšie síce jedna z mojich najlepších kamarátok obzerala možnosť dovolenky na Srí Lanke, ale to bolo v čase tesne po uzatvorení mierovej dohody medzi vládou a Tamilskými Tigrami a ja som ostrov ešte nepovažovala za bezpečný. Keď som sa však presťahovala do Abu Dhabi a urobila podrobnejší výskum, krajina som už presunula na zoznam "bezpečných a ľahko dostupných destinácií", keďže je vzdialená len niečo okolo troch hodín letu z Emirátov. A korunu tomu všetkému zasadili kolegovia, ktorí zo Srí Lanky pochádzajú, alebo už výlet na ostrov absolvovali. A…
Discovering Sri Lanka
"Let's visit Sri Lanka!" Had anyone asked me to join them on a trip to this country a few years ago, I would recommend them to see a specialist doctor. Just a few years ago, I have considered Sri Lanka dangerous due to the civil war between the government and the Tamil Tigers. Bombings and fights were on a daily schedule despite the international involvement in peace negotiations. And on top of all this, the Tsunami of December 2004 damaged most of the southern part of the island.
Objavovanie Srí Lanky
Poď na Srí Lanku! Keby mi toto niekto povedal pred pár rokmi, zaťukala by som si významne na čelo. Srí Lanka povesť turistického raja rozhodne nemala. Navyše, ja som si tento ostrov v Indickom oceáne zaradila do kategórie "nebezpečené". Krajinou dlho zmietala občianska vojna, búchali bomby a bojovalo sa. Aj napriek úsiliu politkov a medzinárodných vyjednávačov sa nedarilo uzavrieť vhodnú mierovú dohodu medzi vládou a Tamilskými Tigrami. Do toho prišlo ešte aj silné tsunami spôsobené podmorským zemetrasením v Decembri 2004, ktoré poničilo juh ostrova.
Foto: Rybárske lode na Srí Lanke
Photo: Fishing Boats, Sri Lanka
Turkey: What to do during a weekend break in Istanbul
Istanbul seems to be an ideal destination for a longer weekend. It is the largest city in Turkey, spreading on both shores of the Bosporus, on two continents – Europe and Asia. Actually almost everything in Istanbul, from architecture, culture, religion to cuisine, is a mix between european and arabic origin. There are catholic churches, orthodox basilicas and islamic mosques close to each other. The largest of them, Hagia Sophia, served as an orthodox basilica, catholic church and an islamic mosque. Of course, each in a different time period.
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