Three days and 49 kilometres in Athens
I have visited Athens twice so far - in November 2008 and in February 2017. And will gladly return anytime. The city centre is a gigantic historical open-air museum with some monuments dating back more than 2500 years. The food is delicious, people are nice and friendly, the sun is shining most of the time and there is always something new to discover.
Grécke Atény a trojdňový maratón po pamiatkach
Atény som navštívila dva krát. V novembri 2008 a vo februári 2017. A rada sa tam kedykoľvek znova vrátim. Centrum mesta je ako jeden veľký historický skanzen starý viac ako 2500 rokov.
Athens: Historical Agora
Agora on the Aeropagus hill in Athens was the administrative, political, commercial and social hub in the 6th century BC until it was destroyed in 267 AD.
Atény: V historickej Agore
Agora na kopci Aeropagus v Aténach bola administratívnym, politickým, komerčným a spoločenským centrom v 6. storočí pred naším letopočtom až do svojho zničenia v roku 267 nášho letopočtu.