Interesting Links / Zaujímavé Linky
I, like many of you, face information overload. I have developed a system that helps me and during the process I have come to these realisations:
- Many of us face information overload but to unplug completely is also not ideal.
- Find what works for you. Everyone is different.
- Curate sources of information. Go for quality over quantity.
- Automate to avoid distraction and bring focus.
- Use common sense and judgement.
Below are my trusted information sources I consult often.
My morning reads / Ranné správy:
- Financial Times and its newsletter – my favourite is the First FT European Edition newsletter I receive every morning. (EN, but news are subscription based)
-, (SK)
- Le Monde (FR)
- Frankfurter Algemeine (DE)
- Sometimes other as WSJ, Huffington Post, Guardian, The Skimm (mostly US centric), Economist’s Espresso app
For the fear of missing out – FOMO
- app of BBC News with alerts on (EN)
- app of Denník N – Minúta po minúte with alerts on (SK)
About Energy / O Energiách:
- International Energy Agency / Medzinárodná Energetická Agentúra (EN)
- International Renewable Energy Agency / Medzinárodná Agentúra pre Obnoviteľné Zdroje Energie, its Newsroom and my project IRENA’s REsource portal (EN)
- Blogs of the OECD and the World Bank
- – veľmi dobrá slovenská stránka s aktuálnymi správami a analýzami z odvetvia energetiky SK)
- Newsletter from John Kemp, Reuters energy reporter and columnist (EN)
- Cleantechnica blog about clean energy started by Zachary Shahan (EN)
Interesting information / Zaujímavé informácie:
- The Economist is a must weekend reading for me (EN – subscription based)
- Trend – podobne ako Economist, časopis čítam každý týždeň (SK)
- Technet rubrika na iDnes (CZ)
- Blinkist app for fantastic book summaries with one free per day (EN)
- Curiosity app for five interesting facts a day (EN)
- Jazykový mentoring Lydky Machovej, ak sa učíte nové jazyky a jej facebooková stránka, kde zdieľa samé dobré veci (SK)
- Travelhack me Janky Schweighoferovej, ak chcete lacno cestovať po svete (SK)
- Lonely Planet and its Thorn Tree Forums for great information for travellers (EN)
- Brainpickings newsletter from Maria Popova (EN)
- Farnam Street newsletter (EN)
- Visually (EN) for infographics (EN)
- Tableau Daily Viz (EN) for more infographics (EN)
- Wikipedia is perfect for polyglots, first level research about a new topic or just for learning new facts (EN, DE, IT, FR, RU, ESP, NOR, SWE, CZ, SK or choose your language)
- Web Umenia to find inspirations for my drawings (SK)
I have also created lists on Twitter and follow accounts of respectable industry sources to catch up with the news in the industry, my interests and general. I most often only scroll through through the feed. There is too much information now and I am looking for new ways of dealing with this kind of twitter overload.
What do you read? Would you like to suggest anything new? Was any of my recommendations useful to you? Let me know.