Interested in new countries and places? See my travels. / Zaujímajú vás nové miesta? Tadiaľto som cestovala ja.
Discovering Slovakia: Chopok
Chopok, with its elevation of 2024 meters, is the second highest peak of the Low Tatra mountain range. The highest peak of the mountain range is Dumbier with 2043 meters.
Discovering Slovakia: Ski resort Jasná
Jasná is a popular ski resort with kilometres of pistes. It is located on the northern slopes of Chopok, the second highest peak of the Low Tatra mountains, in Slovakia.
Drawings: Cuban sketches
When I visited Cuba in October 2016, I also took colored pencils and my sketchbook with me. And as I expected, the island offered me plenty of ideas for my creative side. Here is a selection of sketches I made on the way.
Photos: Snowy holidays in Slovakia
So 2016 has moved on and we are now in 2017. Hope you all had a good start. Here is a collection of snowy landscape during a holiday trip to Bezovec, a small skiing resort not far from Piestany, Slovakia. Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2017. 🙂
London Christmas lights and Winter Wonderland
During a quick stopover in London in December 2016, I took this opportunity to visit Christmas markets around the city centre. Here are photos of the festive Covent Garden, Christmas lights on Oxford and Regent Street, and Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park.
Cuba: Playa Giron
In the south of the Cuba there is a place called Playa Giron, or Bahia de Cochinos, or in simple English the Bay of Pigs with a beach resort for tourists suitable for diving and snorkeling.
Cuba: Famous places connected to Fidel Castro and his revolution
After the news of Fidel Castro passing away, I cannot resist not to publish this impromptu blog post. I am not going to write about the history and his biography. You can now find a lot of articles related to all this in the media.
Fidelova Kuba
Fidel Castro prispel spoločnosti svojou troškou a tak každé správne médium - či už TV, rádio alebo noviny - určite prinesú kopec zaujímavých článkov o jeho osobe, živote, o revolúcii a podobne. Tu to doplním fotkami miest, ktoré sú pripomienkami niektorej časti jeho života a tvorby.
Discovering Cuba in 14 days
What do you know about Cuba? That was my first question after deciding on my next trip destination. Now after my return back I have to admit, I knew a little about this beautiful island between the Atlantic ocean and Caribbean. I knew Havana is the capital city, people speak Spanish,
Okolo Kuby za 14 dní
Čo viete o Kube? Že to je ostrov v severnom Karibiku, na pomedzí Atlantického oceánu a Karibského mora. Hlavné mesto je Havana. Vládne tam komunizmus. Vodcom národa je Fidel Castro, ktorý oslávuje tento rok 90-tku a ...
Discovering Slovakia: Malino Brdo
During "Tour de Liptov, Orava and Tatry" Hrabovo, a settlement on the foot of Malino Brdo mountain was our base and we also went to the top of the hill.
Discovering Slovakia: Orava, Liptov, Tatry regions in three days
Here is the "break-your-tongue" itinerary for three days in northern Slovakia. I hope the Slovak tongue-twister location names will not set you back, the region is beautiful and worth visiting. Especially if you are into hiking, mountains, nature, history and wellness.
Discovering Slovakia: Waterfall in the spa town Lucky
A nice waterfall in the spa town Lucky located in the mountainous northern Slovakia near springs with healing water suitable for treatment of many diseases.
Discovering Slovakia: Orava castle
The Orava castle, one of the most beautiful castles in Slovakia, is located atop a mountain cliff above the river Orava in the village of Oravský Podzámok.
Discovering Slovakia: Wooden Church in Tvrdosin
This little wooden church of All Saints in the city of Tvrdošín in northern Slovakia is since 2008 part of UNESCO's World cultural heritage.
Geneva looks inconspicuous, but it is not necessarily like that
The Swiss city of Geneva is cramped in between lake Leman and the Alps, near the border with France. It is such a naturally constrained space, that the city cannot grow larger anymore.
Ženeva pôsobí nenápadne, ale zdanie klame
Švajčiarske mesto Ženeva leží medzi jazerom Leman a Alpskými kopcami pri hraniciach s Francúzskom. Je to taká ohraničená plocha, že mesto sa už nemá kam rozširovať.
Olympic games are on! – Remembering the past games
On the occasion of the beginning of the Olympic games in Rio, I recently tried to remember all the cities I visited which organised the Olympic Games in the past. The list is short and Europe-centric.
Discovering Slovakia: Bradlo, Slovakia
Bradlo is a village in western Slovakia. There, on a top of a hill, is this memorial to Milan Rastislav Štefánik, a famous Slovak minister and general after the first world war.
UAE: Looking into the future during a visit to Masdar city
Masdar City is a few minutes drive from the international airport in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. If you are interested in energy and sustainable future, then the place is worth visiting also while on a few hours stopover on Abu Dhabi airport.
SAE: Návšteva v Masdar city a pohľad na mesto budúcnosti
Masdar leží len pár kilometrov od medzinárodného letiska v Abu Dhabi, v Spojených Arabských Emirátoch. Každý, kto sa zaujíma o energeticku a trvaloudržateľný rozvoj, by sa tu mal aspoň na krátko zastaviť a poobzerať. Zatiaľ je...