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Albania: Berat photos
Berat, a city on the UNESCO World Heritage List, is located about 120 km south of the capital city of Tirana and is known primarily as a city of thousands windows. This refers to the small white Ottoman cottages on the hill, which are frequent subjects of photographs, postcards and souvenirs.
Albania: Durres photos
Durres is the oldest city in Albania, founded in 627 BC. It has long been the capital of Albanian territory and thanks to a natural harbor, it kept close ties the old Rome, but also to current Italy.
Greek food
Greek food is delicious. The locals usually start a day with coffee and sometimes also a piece of pastry for breakfast. There is a lot of small cafeterias with a few chairs and a table.
Three days and 49 kilometres in Athens
I have visited Athens twice so far - in November 2008 and in February 2017. And will gladly return anytime. The city centre is a gigantic historical open-air museum with some monuments dating back more than 2500 years. The food is delicious, people are nice and friendly, the sun is shining most of the time and there is always something new to discover.
Grécke Atény a trojdňový maratón po pamiatkach
Atény som navštívila dva krát. V novembri 2008 a vo februári 2017. A rada sa tam kedykoľvek znova vrátim. Centrum mesta je ako jeden veľký historický skanzen starý viac ako 2500 rokov.
Atény: Akropola a múzeum
Acropolis, ktorá sa rozprestiera priamo v centre mesta na strmom kopci. Táto oblasť vraj bola obývaná už 4-3 tisíc rokov pred naším letopočtom.
Athens: The Majestic Acropolis
A historical city of Acropolis is located in the very heart of Athens at the top of the steep Acropolis hill. This area was reportedly inhabited already in 4000-3000 BC. It's main building - the temple of Parthenon - is visible from almost anywhere in Athens.
Athens: Zappeion
Zappeion is a palace housing a conference centre in Athens, located near the Olympic Panathenaic stadium, Hadrian's arch, Temple of Olympian Zeus and National Gardens.
Athens: Hadrian’s Arch
Athenian Hadrian's Arch is at the end of the Dionysiou Aeropagitou street near Acropolis, Temple of Olympian Zeus, Zappeion and National Gardens.
Athens: Temple of Olympian Zeus
Athenian Temple of Olympian Zeus is at the end of the Dionysiou Aeropagitou street near Hadrian's Arch, Acropolis, Zappeion and National Gardens.
Athens: Olympic Panathenaic stadium
The Olympic Panathenaic stadium in Athens is located near the Zappeion conference centre, Hadrian's arch, Temple of Olympian Zeus and National Gardens.
Athens: Relaxing walk through Filopappou hill
Filipappou hill with a monument at the top is just opposite Acropolis hill in Athens, Greece. The hill is a nice park to walk around offering beautiful viewpoints of the city.
Discovering Slovakia: Open-air museum in Vlkolinec
Vlkolínec is a small village located in the centre of Slovakia near Ružomberok. It is a so-called skanzen - a settlement of 45 historical buildings,
Athens: Syntagma square, museums and seaside
Syntagma, the Constitution square is the main square in Athens with the houses of Parliament, most expensive hotels and a a transport hub.
Atény: Námestie Syntagma, múzeá a okolie
Námestie Syntagma je námestie Ústavy. Nachádza sa tu budova parlamentu, drahé hotely, križovatka dvoch liniek metra a iné. Ako najväčšie námestie Atén je často dejiskom demonštrácií.
Athens: City views from Lycabettus hill
The best views of Athens are from the hill of wolves - Lycabettus. You can see the historical centre with all major sights such as Acropolis, Panthenaic stadium or Hadrian's Arch, and if the weather is good, also the port of Pireus.
Athens: Historical Agora
Agora on the Aeropagus hill in Athens was the administrative, political, commercial and social hub in the 6th century BC until it was destroyed in 267 AD.
Atény: V historickej Agore
Agora na kopci Aeropagus v Aténach bola administratívnym, politickým, komerčným a spoločenským centrom v 6. storočí pred naším letopočtom až do svojho zničenia v roku 267 nášho letopočtu.
St Naum Monastery, Macedonia
This ancient orthodox monastery of st. Naum or Sveti Naum lies on the shore of lake Ohrid in Macedonia, only few kilometres from Albanian border.
Lake Ohrid, Macedonia
Lake Ohrid lies on the border between Albania and Macedonia. It is one the oldest and deepest lakes and it has been declared the World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1979. Its waters are extremely clear and its sea blue colour offers beautiful reflections of the sunset.
Discovering Slovakia: Kubinska Hola
SKI PARK Kubinska hola is a ski resort on the southern side of the mountain bearing the same name. It is located in the Orava region in northern Slovakia. The ski resort offers 14 km of downhill ski slopes and 10 km of ski trails.