
Interested in new countries and places? See my travels. / Zaujímajú vás nové miesta? Tadiaľto som cestovala ja.

  • English,  Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Sri Lanka: Lake, city and hills of Kandy

    Upon arrival in Kandy, I have been both thrilled and overwhelmed by the vibrant city streets. From the cars, tuk-tuks, buses, trucks to the occasional cyclists, the city's lively traffic took me by surprise. More so, as the few days prior I spent in the relatively calm jungle area.

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  • English,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura – the ancient capital

    I always found Sri Lanka, an island country with rich history, lush greenery and marvellous cuisine, very attractive to visit. I had explored the southern part of the island years ago, and recently, I found myself wandering through the heart of the country, discovering gems like Anuradhapura, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Kandy, and Pinnawala. Anuradhapura, an ancient city that once stood as the island’s capital from the 4th century BC to the 10th century AD, is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site. It’s home to many archaeological sites, including stupas, statues, palaces and monasteries. My visit included the Ruwanwelisaya white stupa and the sacred Bodhi tree. Slovenská verzia: Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura –…

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  • Slovensky,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Sri Lanka: Anuradhapura – starodávne hlavné mesto

    Anuradhapura je starobylé mesto, ktoré kedysi slúžilo ako hlavné mesto ostrova od 4. storočia pred Kristom do 10. storočia po Kristom a dnes je zapísané na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO. Je známe pre archeologické pamiatky, vrátane stúp, sôch, palácov a kláštorov. Na mojom zozname stála Biela stupa a posvätný Bodhi strom.

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  • English,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Sri Lanka: Safari trip and how to spot warnings from elephants

    A safari in Sri Lanka offers the opportunity to watch elephants in their natural habitat. During my last visit of the island I did not hesitate and went elephant-watching again. We were lucky right from the start and encountered a small family of elephants. They were peacefully grazing near the road, so we watched them for a while.

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  • Slovensky,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Sri Lanka: Výstup na Sigiriyu – Leviu skalu

    Sigiriya, označovaná aj ako Levia skala, sa nachádza v centrálnom okrese Matale blízko mesta Dambulla na Srí Lanke. Sigiriya je považovaná za jedno z najlepšie zachovaných príkladov starovekého mestského plánovania a od roku 1982 je zapísaná na zozname svetového dedičstva UNESCO. Je to jedna z najnavštevovanejších turistických atrakcií na Srí Lanke a dôležitá súčasť kultúrneho dedičstva krajiny.

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  • English,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Sri Lanka: The climb to Sigiriya – the Lion Rock

    Sigiriya, often referred to as the Lion Rock, is located in the central Matale District near the town of Dambulla in Sri Lanka. Sigiriya is considered one of the best-preserved examples of ancient urban planning and has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1982. It is one of the most visited tourist attractions in Sri Lanka and is an important part of the country's cultural heritage.

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  • Photos,  Slovensky,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Victoria: Hlavné mesto Seychel

    Victoria je centrom všetkých hlavných administratívnych aktivít na Mahé, no celý hlavný ostrov je rozdelený do 24 obvodov. Každý obvod má vlastnú školu, kostol a zdravotné stredisko. Mnohé názvy obvodov sú po francúzsky, potvrdzujúc skorý francúzsky vplyv, ale hlavné mesto je pomenované po britskej kráľovnej Victórii.

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  • English,  Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Victoria: Seychelles’ Capital

    Victoria is the hub of all major administrative activities on Mahé, which is divided into 24 districts. Each district has its own school, church and a health center. Many of its district names reflect early French influence, but the capital is named after the British Queen Victoria.

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  • English,  Photos,  Slovensky,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Seychelles 9 years later / Po 9 rokoch znovu na Seycheloch

    Back at Seychelles after 9 years. Almost all still equally amazing - the beach (soft sand), the sea (turquoise and warm), ocean waves (loud but calming), mountains (all shades of green), weather (30°C, partially cloudy with occassional showers), food (especially oranges and pineapples).

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  • Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Poculi ste o Kwai?

    Priznam sa, ze po “miestach”, kde boli preliate potoky krvi a umieralo tam mnozstvo ludi, sa mi tazko cestuje. Neviem sa ubranit pocitu, ze tu niekde treba najst hranicu medzi morbidnou a vzdelavaco-preventivnou turistikou, aj ked v podstate nic zle nevidno a dane miesto je krasne. Kanchanburi s riekou Kwai, cca 2 hodiny cesty od Bangkoku, mozno niekomu nic nepovie. Filmovi fanatici a knihomoli si vsak snad spomenu na knihu a rovnomenny film o udalostiach z druhej svetovej vojny v Azii – Most cez rieku Kwai. Pribehy v knihe a vo filme sa trosku odlisuju (navzajom od seba, ale aj od reality), ale oba v podstate popisuju tazku situaciu vojnovych…

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  • Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Bangkok alebo Krung Thep Maha Nakhon

    Bangkok je najvacsim mestom Thajskeho kralovstva a casto vstupnou branou pre turistov mieriacich do krajiny a dalej na piesocne plaze za oddychom. Tych “par” tisicov turistov, ktori mestom za den prejdu, by sa medzi viac ako 8 milionmi Thajcov celkom stratili, nebyt toho, ze sa vsetci vyberu obzriet tie iste pamiatky v rovnaky den a cas ako vy. Na tych miestach je fakt natresk a je na sikovnosti vas alebo vasho spolocnika, ci sprievodcu, aku trasu a taktiku zvolite. Z pamiatok naozaj odporucam nevynechat navstevu tychto – kralovsky palac (Royal palace), chramy Wat Arun a Wat Pho. Ak mate cas, vyberte si okrem toho, co vas zaujima. Mne sa pacil…

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  • Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Slovakia: Skiing views from Solisko

    Strbske pleso in High Tatras is my favourite destination all year round. Ski slopes above the lake in Solisko offers great views into the valley. As I am not a good skier, I prefer to get uphill and the sit in the sun enjoying the views. This area is very popular and tends to get overcrowded on the slopes. Next time, I will switch skis (downhill to cross country). And finish with a shot of Bombardino in the ski bar.

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  • Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Slovakia: Tatranska Lomnica

    High Tatras are a popular destination also for me. I love the areas around Strbske pleso, but Tatranska Lomnica with Lomnicky stit, ski slopes for beginner skiers, view points and chalets has its charm.

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  • Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

    France: Jardin de 5 Sens, Yvoire

    There is an interesting sensory garden in Yvoire - Garden of Five Senses. This project is on for already more than 30 years. It is full of flowers, herbs, trees and fountains built into several areas, each dedicated to one of five senses - Sight, Sound, Smell, Taste, and Touch.

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