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    Weekend trip to Oman

    I decided to go camping to Oman during the weekend of 15-16 November with my colleague and some 30 other people I never met before. My German colleague drove a 4W car and spoke fluently also French and English. I was tasked with navigation and taking photos – the first did not go very well, once we even ended up almost entering Omani prison and the latter see for yourself.

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  • English,  Photos,  Text,  Top,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Norway 5: Lysefjord

    After an unplanned break due to spring fatigue, here are some pictures from my recent boat trip to the fjords. I joined approximately thirty other tourists on a three-hour trip to Lysefjorden, near Stavanger, with most famous sights: Tingholmen island, where king Olav Tryggvason held national assembly in 998. Høgsfjorden, with lovely weekend houses. Hengjane waterfalls, with crystal-clear water, potable. Fantahala – vagabond’s cave. And, of course, Preikestolen (Pulpit Rock) – a massive cliff 600 m above the fjord, with the top of approximately 25 x 25 m. It offers a magnificent view of the fjord, but we will get to that later.   And here is the promised photo…

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  • English,  Photos,  Text,  Top,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Norway 3: A few words about hot topic: Weather

    When I announced that I am moving to Norway, people wondered – “Who would move to Norway in January?” Well, me of course! And no, it’s not such a freezing Siberian winter here (in Stavanger) as you would imagine. The rest of Norway and Europe are much worse off now. The temperature here ranges between only -8 ° C and zero, but with frequent strong winds. When the snow appeared for the first time (1.19), it made my day. However, temperatures were still above zero and it melted quickly. Colleagues were amused when I tried to take photos from the office window. They only warned me about icy roads in…

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  • English,  Photos,  Text,  Top,  Travel/Cestovanie

    Norway 1: Two weeks and counting…

    It‘s two weeks since I moved a bit more to the north, to Scandinavia. I took up a temporary (but never say never) residence in Stavanger, southwest Norway, the so called „oil capital“. The city itself has a population of over 100 000 people, with the metropolitan area inhabited by almost 300 000 (in case someone is too lazy to google it). Right, I became an oil market analyst for a certain Norwegian company. Here is a couple of my first minor observations: I live in an apartment on the fifth floor, with a view of the local shopping centre. I was happy to discover the local supermarket is open…

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