Content I consider interesting to share with you and is not about energy, travel or data / Zaujímavý obsah, ktorý vám chcem posunúť, no netýka sa mojich hlavných oblastí
O čom hovorím, keď vravím o KEP?
Climate and energy plan for a small municipality as a high level strategy document highlights the need to invest into the municipal property - buildings, street lighting, district heating and others to mitigate climate change.
Zamyslenie nad spôsobom, ako môže Slovensko dosiahnuť uhlíkovú neutralitu do roku 2050
A study of the Institute of the Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences with scenario analysis of sectors of Energy, Industry, Buildings, Transport and Agriculture and Forestry aiming at reaching carbon neutrality in Slovakia to 2050.
Čo som vykoumala k elektromobilite
This article contains a summary of my research study Electromobility and energy needs, a case for Slovakia developed for Ministry of Economy of Slovak Republic in 2019.
Na sneh ostala uz len spomienka. Pri Silvestrovskych 11°C fyzika nepusti. 😉 V kazdom pripade mali posledne dni roka svoje caro. A pre ten dalsi rok vam prajem, nech vas kazdy den v roku 2022 obklopuje laska, harmonia, hojnost, mudrost a zazraky. 🎆 White snow is now, the last day of the 2021 only a memory. With 11°C outside temperature there no other way. 😉 Last days of the year had their charm. And for the next year, I wish you are surrounded with love, harmony, abundance, wisdom and miracles. 🎆
White Christmas – A Vianoce boli biele
This year, surprisingly, Christmas was white. 😊 My grandma was telling that already weeks in advance and I did not believe her. I don’t even remeber that much snowfall during the holiday season. In the past, even if it fell overnight, it melted quickly in the morning. This year it was different thanks to freezing temperatures. Tento rok boli Vianoce biele. Moja stara mama to predpovedala s tyzdnovym predstihom, no neverila som jej. Teraz sa jej ospravedlnujem. 😊 Ani si nepamatam, kedy boli naposledky sviatky biele. V minulosti, aj ked napadol v noci sneh, rano sa roztopil. No tentokrat to bolo inak. Snezilo viac dni a topit sa zacal az…
Festive season / Vianocne sviatky
It’s that time of the year again. Today, I woke up to snow covered country. Christmas is white! 😊 I wish you and your loved ones merry and joyful holidays. 🎄 Dnes rano som sa zobudila do krasneho bieleho dna. Konecne biele Vianoce! To tu uz dlho nebolo. 😊 Krasne a pohodove sviatky plne smiechu, stastia, zdravia, lasky a spokojnosti vam prajem. 🎄
Nature walks: Prechadzka Hradok- Javornicek
Pohodová prechádzka jarným v lesoch pod Inovcom, cieľ bol Chata pod Javorníčkom. Užite si výhľady na zeleň a na okolité kopce. A light and leisurely forest walk in the hill below Inovec, with destination Chata pod Javorníčkom. Enjoy the greenery and the views.
O polyglotoch a učení sa cudzích jazykov
Som polyglotka a nehanbím sa. Dokázala som v cudzom prostredí relatívne rýchlo naučiť cudzie jazyky, ktoré som potrebovala. Poskytla som aj rozhovor magazínu MIAU a občas sa zúčastním workshopu, kde poskytne zopár tipov a trikov pre učenie sa jazyka.
Photo: Sunset at Slnava lake
Zamyslenie nad vzájomnou pomocou a rebríčkami, kde nechcete byť
Neverim, ze ludom je to jedno. Neverim, ze osobne pohodlie je viac ako zivot cloveka. Neverim, ze cloveku v nudzi nikto nepoda pomocnu ruku. Dufam, ze ta spolupatricnost a ochota pomoct tu este stale je. Ze ju za ten cas frustracia nevytlacila.
Foto – V lese
Foto – Bezovec
Photos: Christmas markets in Vienna
Days before Christmas have their own charm. The atmosphere and the vibe at the Christmas market adds to it. This year again I ventured to Vienna and enjoyed a walk along the market at Rathausplatz, Maria Theresia Platz and Karlsplatz. And got a pair of "boots" cups. :-)
Photos: Winter, snow, frost…lovely
This post contains some of my best and favourite photos taken during winter 2018/2019. I love when it snows, I love looking at the white surroundings, trees, grass, frozen lake and also my car covered completely by it.
Kreslenie: Technika Dry Brush alebo “na sucho”
Teraz vám predstavím techniku Dry Brush, v doslovnom preklade "suchý štetec". Je to veľmi jednoduchá technika a výsledky sú fakt skvelé.
Drawing: Dry brush
I was surprised how easy it was to paint with a technique called dry brush. You use a "dry brush" on dry paper. There is only color on the brush, but you can tip it into a small amount of oil or water.
Drawings: Pencil sketches 2016
Since I learnt how to draw, I try to draw or paint often. I prefer colorful drawings, but I also like the dramatic black-and-white look of a pencil or charcoal sketches.
Drawings: Aquarelle 2016
A selection of my aquarelle / watercolor paintings made in 2016.
Photo: Strait of Hormuz, a busy waterway for oil and gas tankers
This long oil and gas tanker traffic jam is off the coast of Fujairah emirate, near the Strait of Hormuz. Driving along the road from Dibba to Fujairah, we stopped to admire a very old mosque and a fortress in Biddiyah, when I saw this line of tankers on the sea. I could not stop watching and counting the vessels.
Drawings: Pastel sketches and drawings (2016)
Since I learnt how to draw, I try to draw or paint often. I like colorful drawings and especially drawings with bold colours of dry pastel. Here is a selection of my pastel drawings and rough sketches from 2016.
Slovakia: Freezing cold January weather reminded me of childhood
Day temperatures below -10C and falling below -20C during the night. That was the first decade of January 2017 in my hometown Piestany in Slovakia. For some, extremely cold. For others, not so.