Content about energy, climate and carbon neutrality / Obsah o energiách, klíme a uhlíkovej neutralite
Zamyslenie nad spôsobom, ako môže Slovensko dosiahnuť uhlíkovú neutralitu do roku 2050
A study of the Institute of the Forecasting of the Slovak Academy of Sciences with scenario analysis of sectors of Energy, Industry, Buildings, Transport and Agriculture and Forestry aiming at reaching carbon neutrality in Slovakia to 2050.
My thoughts on development of Electromobility in Slovakia
The analysis Development of Electromobility and its Impact on Fuel and Electricity Consumption in Road Transport in the Slovak Republic in December 2019.
Čo som vykoumala k elektromobilite
This article contains a summary of my research study Electromobility and energy needs, a case for Slovakia developed for Ministry of Economy of Slovak Republic in 2019.
UAE: Looking into the future during a visit to Masdar city
Masdar City is a few minutes drive from the international airport in Abu Dhabi in United Arab Emirates. If you are interested in energy and sustainable future, then the place is worth visiting also while on a few hours stopover on Abu Dhabi airport.
SAE: Návšteva v Masdar city a pohľad na mesto budúcnosti
Masdar leží len pár kilometrov od medzinárodného letiska v Abu Dhabi, v Spojených Arabských Emirátoch. Každý, kto sa zaujíma o energeticku a trvaloudržateľný rozvoj, by sa tu mal aspoň na krátko zastaviť a poobzerať. Zatiaľ je...