Bio – Martina Repikova
I have almost 20 years of professional experience working in the international organisations, energy industry and public authorities on wide range of topics from energy markets analysis – via renewable energy promotion, carbon neutrality, energy security, sustainable transport, smart city and municipal development – to knowledge and data management, economic and financial analysis, strategy and public policy development, business intelligence and application of new IT technologies. You can find more about my professional background below or at LinkedIn.
Professional Focus
- Energy Markets, Renewables, Energy and Cyber Security
- Carbon Neutrality, Carbon Footprint, Climate Change Mitigation, Sustainability
- Municipal Development, Smart City, Public Participation
- Research Data Analysis & Forecasting, Business Intelligence
- Strategy Development, Project Management, Public Policy Recomendation
Work Experience
I currently work as a junior researcher at the Institute for Forecasting – Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia and as an independent consultant I am striving to improve the energy and climate agendas in municipalities vie cooperation with the Union of towns and cities in Slovakia. I have prior experience from the municipality (Town of Piestany), national authority (Ministry of Ecnomy SR), international organisations (International Energy Agency IEA and International Renewable Energy Agency IRENA) and private sector (Statoil ASA, Wood & Company, a.s., Generali Vita).
Published Work
- IEA’s monthly Oil Market Reports (2008-2012, contributor)
- IEA’s Medium-Term Oil and Gas Markets Reports (2009-2012, contributor)
- REN21 UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report (2015, contributor)
- REN21 UNECE Renewable Energy Status Report (2017, contributor)
- Electromobility and energy needs, a case for Slovakia/ Rozvoj elektromobility a jej vplyv na spotrebu PHM a elektrickej energie v cestnej doprave v SR, (2020, author, slovak only)
- Climate-neutral Slovakia by 2050, 2022 edition, Dokupilová, D., Repíková, M., & Korytárová, K., Institute for Forecasting, Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences (2022),
- Klimaticko-energetický plán mesta Piešťany do roku 2035 (s výhľadom do roku 2050) / Climate-energy plan for Piešťany by 2035 (with an outlook for 2050), (2023, author, slovak only),
- Climate-neutral Slovakia by 2050, a scenario analysis, 2024 edition, Dokupilová, D., Repíková, M., Institute for Forecasting, Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024),
- Climate-neutral Slovakia by 2050, Behaviour and Policy scenario analysis to reach EU climate targets by 2030, 2024 edition, Dokupilová, D., Repíková, M., Institute for Forecasting, Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences (2024),
- Decarbonising Slovakia. Pathways to climate neutrality in 2050, (2024) Dokupilová, D., Repíková, M. The Institute for Forecasting, Centre of Social and Psychological Sciences, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, ISBN: 978–80–8298–003-8, DOI: 10.31577/2024.978–80–8298–003-8
Recent Speaking and Media Engagements
- Energetická poradkyňa: Mestá renovujú budovy, lebo sa im to oplatí, nie na nátlak Únie, Euractiv, 4.11.2024
- Budeme mať dostatok elektriny pre elektromobily? Odborníčka došla k jasnému záveru, Živé.sk, 8.7.2024
- Bezuhlíkové hospodárstvo, Rádio Regina Západ pri príležitosti Dňa Zeme 2024, 24-27. 4. 2024
- Žiadna teplá voda ani fungujúce nemocnice. Aj toto môže spôsobiť hackerský útok (rozhovor), Živé.sk, 14.5.2023
- Kyberbezpečnosť vo svetle energetickej bezpečnosti, EPI konferencia Kybernetická bezpečnosť 2023, 2-3. 10.2023 (ppt)
- Klimaticko energetický plán mesta Piešťany, na podujatí Klimaticko-energetické plány (KEP) ako príprava samospráv na zvládnutie klimaticko-energetickej krízy, organizovanom ZZMO CITENERGO v spolupráci s Kanceláriou Dohovoru primátorov a starostov o klíme a energetike a pri aktívnom zapojení ďalších partnerov: Energetické centrum Bratislava, Budovy pre budúcnosť, MČ Bratislava Karlova Ves a Únia miest Slovenska dňa 20.10.2022 v Bratislave (ppt)
- Participatívne procesy v samospráve a KB, Bezpečnosť elektronickej komunikácie 2022, vedecká konferencia s medzinárodnou účasťou organizovaná Akadémiou Policajného zboru SR dňa 15. 5. 2022 v Bratislave
My doctoral research focus is on decarbonisation challenges and energy security (including cybersecurity). I hold Engineering degree in Agricultural management, specialisation Quantitative Management and IT from Slovak Agricultural University, B.A. in International Relations and European Studies from Comenius University, and M.A. in Banking and Entrepreneurship – New Europe Master in Banking and Entrepreneurship in Italy. I have also passed Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Level 1 examination in December 2009
Slovak: native / English: fluent / German, Italian, French: intermediate / Chinese, Russian, Norwegian, Arabic: beginner

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