All the best in 2016!
Foto: Dedinka vystupuje z hmly
Photo: Little village in the fog
Šťastné a Veselé!
Happy and Relaxing Holidays to all!
SAE: Zima sa blíži….
Neviem si predstaviť, ako bude vyzerať zima v Hre o tróny, na to si budeme musieť ešte počkať. Reálna zima však už prišla nielen na severnú pologuľu, ale aj do Emirátov. Na pár dní sme tu dali zbohom slnku a teplotám nad 35°C. 🙂
UAE: Winter is coming…
We still have to wait some time to see what winter really is in the Game of Thrones, but it seems like the real-life winter is coming not only to the northern hemisphere but also to Abu Dhabi. Good-bye sunshine and 35+°C temperatures. At least for a few days. 🙂
Foto: Loď v Geiranger fjorde v Nórsku
Photo: A Large Cruiseship in the Norwegian Geiranger Fjord
Foto: Ťavy na púšti
Photo: Camels in the Desert
Foto: Rybárske lode na Srí Lanke
Photo: Fishing Boats, Sri Lanka
Foto: Stĺporadie v mešite Šejka Zayeda, Abu Dhabi
Photo: Outside of the mosque, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Photo: Fountain at the sea promenade in Abu Dhabi
Photo: Relax in front of the Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Foto: Oddych pred Emirates Palace, Abu Dhabi
Photo: Artistic Details at Sheikh Zayed Mosque in Abu Dhabi
Foto: Detaily v mešite Šejka Zayeda, Abu Dhabi
UAE: Cycling in Abu Dhabi
On 8-11 October 2015, the emirate of Abu Dhabi hosted a premiere of cycling competition Abu Dhabi Tour, which is now also part of the official UCI calendar (International Cycling Union).