English,  Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

Sri Lanka: Lake, city and hills of Kandy

I always found Sri Lanka, an island country with rich history, lush greenery and marvellous cuisine, very attractive to visit. I had explored the southern part of the island years ago, and recently, I found myself wandering through the heart of the country, discovering gems like Anuradhapura, Sigiriya, Dambulla, Kandy, and Pinnawala.

Upon arrival in Kandy, I have been both thrilled and overwhelmed by the vibrant city streets. From the cars, tuk-tuks, buses, trucks to the occasional cyclists, the city’s lively traffic took me by surprise. More so, as the few days prior I spent in the relatively calm jungle area. Amidst all this I found the serene Kandy Lake as a welcome respite. The tranquil waters mirrored the hilly surroundings. A perfect backdrop for leisurely stroll before souvenir shopping.

Another one of the places to visit in Kandy is the Temple of the Sacred Tooth Relic, or the  Temple of the Tooth. The site draws pilgrims and curious visitors to the sight of Buddha’s tooth.

Capping off the day, at the roof terrace of our hotel for the panoramic views. I liked the view of Kandy’s twinkling lights so much that I set an alarm clock early the next mornig to take in the sunrise.


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