What do I mean when I talk about KEP?
I often use three-letter abbreviations, which I learned from my former colleagues in Norway. I am sending all dear Norwegians reading this my warmest regards. I often think of you all. 🙂
Now, back to the three-letter abbreviations. Are three letters better than two? You can fit more content in them. That’s why I often use BEV, HEV or PEV instead of just EV for electric vehicles (BEV for fully electric, HEV for hybrid without a battery, PEV for plug-in hybrid). 🙂 Similarly, CZT for district heating or CFP for carbon footprinting (or calculating carbon footprint). One of the mysterious abbreviations I used for a long time that confused my colleagues was KEP. So, what is it?
The abbreviation KEP does not refer to the signature for e-slovakia, but rather to the Climate-Energy Plan. At the national level, it is known as the Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan for 2021-2030 and was created by the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Environment. Each EU country has also in place a similar plan developed according to instructions from the European Commission. They can be accessed here.
I have developed a smaller version of such a plan for a city of about 25,000 inhabitants. As the abbreviation INEKP did not sound as good as KEP and my plan was on a local scale, I simply named it KEP. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who contributed to the creation of KEP – most of whom are mentioned at the beginning of the document. Special thanks also goes to my boss and colleagues for their support and assistance.
Slovenská verzia článku tu: O čom hovorím, keď vravím o KEP?
So, what is the KEP? The Climate and Energy Plan for a city or municipality should analyze the basic structure of energy, water, waste, vehicles and other activities within the operation or assets in the ownership of the city and local government. This includes municipal buildings (including schools, social facilities, administrative and other buildings), service vehicles, greenery services, cemeteries, sports facilities, public lighting, traffic lights and the city’s public transport. Thanks to this comprehensive calculation of energy and water consumption and related green house gas emissions, it is possible to effectively determine the emission footprint from the operation and activities of the local government. This footprint can then be used to compare cities and brag about with other city mayors (if you are better).
In order to alleviate climate change, it is important to specify the climate goals after conducting this kind of an inventory. I would recommend to take inspiration from the EU or INKEP goals and aim for carbon neutrality.
Then, the remaining step is to connect both the current state and the goal, which will reveal what needs to be done. This is the second most challenging aspect of the entire plan, with the most challenging being its subsequent implementation. 🙂
Achieving carbon neutrality can be done through various measures, which can be selected, prioritized and put together into a plan for the entire period. However, this plan must be realistic, which often leads to a clash between reality and expectations. Without a considerable amount of financial, human and material resources, it is very difficult to achieve carbon neutrality. Local government assets often have not been reconstructed for a long time and municipalities face large investment debt. That is why it is crucial to prepare and begin implementing a sensible investment plan as soon as possible.
At the municipality level, it is possible to expand this KEP to cover the entire city, including budinesses and private citizens assets. However, data access is crucial, but supplier companies are reluctant to share them. More importantly, the city-wide KEP should be formed collaboratively including citizen participation, allowing citizens to have a share and intellectual ownership of the proposed changes.
The Climate and Energy Plan (KEP) for the city of Piešťany was approved by the city council in May 2023 and is available on the website, along with a summary of proposed mitigation measures and a presentation. If you have any questions, please contact the author. 🙂