Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

Hungary: Budapest’s Városliget park and the surroundings

Southwest from the St. Stephen’s Cathedral at St. Stephen’s Square in Budapest is a Jewish quarter with a synagogue, a Holocaust memorial, and small shops and restaurants. Beautiful and wide Andrássy boulevard – Andrássy utca – leads you from the center around the Opera House, the House of Terror, where the secret police once lived, to the Heroes Square surrounded not only by the Museums of Art and Art Gallery, but also by many sculptures with the Millennium Monument. Further down, there is the Városliget park, the zoo, the amusement park, as well as the Széchenyi furdo, and the Vajdahunyad Palace – a mixup of the Gothic and Renaissance architecture. A short walk around the park and the surrounding area is definitely worth it.

Na juhovýchod od katedrály svätého Štefana na Svätoštefanskom námestí v Budapešti nájdete židovskú štvrť so synagógou, pamätníkom holokaustu a malinkými obchodíkmi a reštauráciami. Z centra však vedie krásny a široký Andrášiho bulvár – Andrássy utca – okolo budovy Opery, Domu teroru, kde sídlila kedysi tajná polícia, až na Námestie hrdinov lemovanom nielen budovami Múzea umení a Umeleckej galérie, ale aj sochoradím okolo Miléniového monumentu. Za námestím je park Városliget a v ňom ZOO, zábavný park, ale aj Széchenyi furdo, jazero a palác Vajdahunyad – spojenie gotickej a renesančnej architektúry. Krátka prechádzka po parku a okolí sa určite oplatí.


Városliget park and surroundings
Városliget park

Main blog post about Budapest is here in English.. Below is a photogallery of the Városliget park and the surroundings.

Hlavný článok o Budapešti nájdete v slovenčine tu.. Nižšie je fotogaléria okolia Városliget parku.


Városliget park and surroundings


Városliget park and surroundings
House of Terror


Városliget park and surroundings
House at Andrassy Utca


Városliget park and surroundings
Heroes’ Square


Városliget park and surroundings
Heroes’ Square


Városliget park and surroundings
Heroes’ Square


Városliget park and surroundings
Spa Széchenyi furdo


Városliget park and surroundings
Spa Széchenyi furdo


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Városliget park and surroundings
Varosliget park and palace


Main blog post about Budapest here in English..
Hlavný článok o Budapešti v slovenčine tu..