Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

Hungary: Budapest – Matthias Church and the Bastion

From the Royal palace on the Varhegy hill in Budapest, you can take a beautiful pedestrian walkway around the northern side of the hill. The whole walkway is lined with historic houses and in spring with really nice blooming cherry blossoms. You can continue around the hill or take a shortcut and walk through the narrow street to the Holy Trinity square with the Matthias Church. Behind the Church there is a statue of the king Matthias sitting atop his horse and the Fishermen’s bastion, offering beautiful views of another Budapest’s dominant, the building of the Parliament across the river.

Od kráľovského paláca na kopci Vargehy v Budapešti sa dá prejsť krásnou pešou uličkou po severnej strane kopca. Celá je lemovaná historickými domčekmi a na jar aj krásnymi rozkvitnutými stromami. Môžete pokračovať dokola, alebo zísť a prejsť úzkou uličkou ku Katedrále Mateja Korvína. Pred ňou je Námestie svätej trojice a malý parčík. Bližšie k rieke stojí socha kráľa na koni. Okolité hradby a takzvaná Rybárska bašta ponúkajú krásny výhľad na Pešť s Dunajom, mostami a budovou parlamentu.


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Side street / Ulička

Main blog post about Budapest is here in English.. Below is a photogallery of the Matthias Church.

Hlavný článok o Budapešti nájdete v slovenčine tu.. Nižšie je fotogaléria Katedrály Mateja Korvína.


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Church


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Church


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Church


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Church


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Church


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Statue of Matthias Corvinus


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Church


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Church and the Bastion


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Matthias Statue and the Bastion / Socha Mateja Korvína a Bastion


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
The Bastion


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
The Bastion


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
The Bastion


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
Fortifications / Na hradbách


Surroundings of the Matthias Church


Surroundings of the Matthias Church
View from the Bastion / Výhľad z hradieb

Main blog post about Budapest here in English..
Hlavný článok o Budapešti v slovenčine tu..