Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

Hungary: House of Parliament in Budapest

Walking north from the St. Stephen’s Cathedral at St. Stephen’s Square in Budapest, through the Square of Peace, which is actually a park lined with historical buildings of the National Bank, Bourse and Television, you arrive to the Lajos Košút Square. Here you will find not only his statue, but also a well-known Parliament building, built in Neo-Gothic style. On the way though, look for a statue of Imre Nagy, linked to the Hungarian uprising against Communism in 1956.

Od katedrály svätého Štefana na Svätoštefanskom námestí v Budapešti môžete ísť na sever cez Námestie Mieru, ktoré je vlastne parčíkom lemovaným historickými budovami Národnej banky, Burzy a Televízie. Prídete až na Námestie Lajosa Košúta. Tu nájdete nielen jeho sochu, ale aj známu budovu parlamentu, postavenú v neogotickom štýle. Cestou ešte na malom prednámestíčku stretnete Imreho Nagya, ktorý je spojený s maďarským povstaním proti komunizmu v roku 1956.


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
House of Parliament

Main blog post about Budapest is here in English.. Below is a photogallery of the Houses of Parliament.

Hlavný článok o Budapešti nájdete v slovenčine tu.. Nižšie je fotogaléria okolia budovy parlamentu.


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
House of Parliament


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
House of Parliament


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
House of Parliament


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
Peace Square


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
Imre Nagy


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
Imre Nagy


Houses of Parliament and surroundings
Lajos Kossuth Statue


Main blog post about Budapest here in English..
Hlavný článok o Budapešti v slovenčine tu..