Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

Hungary: St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Budapest

One of the dominant features of Pest side of Budapest is the historic St. Stephen’s Cathedral at St. Stephen’s Square. The surrounding streets are lined with cafes, ice cream parlors and shops and you can get to the most historic center of Vorosmarty Square with the famous Gerbeaud Confectionery. Here starts also the well-known pedestrian shopping street Váci útca and continues south to the Freedom Bridge and the Central Market Hall. If you pass shopping at Váci utca and instead continue further west towards Buda and the river, look for the statue of the Little Princess at the Vigadó square opposite the concert hall. She sits on a railing separating the tramway from the sidewalk.

Jednou s dominánt Peštianskej strany Budapešti je Katedrála svätého Štefana na Svätoštefanskom námestí. Okolité uličky sú lemované cukrárňami, kaviarňami, zmrzlinárňami a obchodmi. Odtiaľ je to “na skok” do najhistorickejšieho centra na námestie Vorosmarty s cukrárňou Gerbeaud. Z tohto námestia vedie na juh známa pešia nákupná ulica Váci útca. Táto končí až pri moste Slobody a Centrálnej tržnici. Ak však prejdete odbočku na Váci utca bez povšimnutia a budete pokračovať z námestia Vorosmarty ďalej na západ smerom k rieke a na Budu, tak na nábreží na námestí Vigadó oproti budove koncertnej siene pohľadajte zaujímavú sochu Malej princeznej. Sedí na zábradlí oddeľujúcom električkovú trať od chodníka.


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
St. Stephen’s Cathedral


Main blog post about Budapest is here in English.. Below is a photogallery of the St. Stephen’s Cathedral.

Hlavný článok o Budapešti nájdete v slovenčine tu.. Nižšie je fotogaléria Katedrály svätého Štefana.


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
St. Stephen’s Cathedral


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
St. Stephen’s Cathedral


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
St. Stephen’s Cathedral


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
St. Stephen’s Cathedral


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
St. Stephen’s Cathedral


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
St. Stephen’s Cathedral


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
Little Princess


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
Opera house


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings
Central Market Hall / Tržnica


St. Stephen's Cathedral and surroundings

Main blog post about Budapest here in English..
Hlavný článok o Budapešti v slovenčine tu..