UAE: Middle Eastern delicacies
Life in Abu Dhabi was not only about sun, sea and work, but also food. The city is full of top star restaurants and you can find here delicacies originating from almost any cuisine in the world. Ok, there was no Slovak or Czech restaurant during my time in AD, but anyway, I preferred to try others such as Ethiopian, Korean, Sushi, Lebanese, Thai, etc. I even have a foodie photo collection as I took pistures of almost every new meal. This post displaying Middle Eastern food. My most favourite were the classics: Hummous, mouttabal, tabouleh, baba ghanoush, fattoush, grilled halloumi, pita bread, kofta, shish taouk, falafel, manakeesh, fattayer, umm ali, but I tried also other delicacies.
Život v Abu Dhabi nebol len o slnku, mori a práci, ale aj o jedle. V meste je veľmi veľa reštaurácií pripravujúcich výborné jedlá takmer zo všetkých kútov sveta – etiópske, kórejské, japonské, libanonské, thajské, austrálske a iné. Slovenská i česká kuchyňa chýba, ale to sa dalo dohnať vo vlastnej kuchyni. 🙂 Ja som fotila skoro každé nové jedlo (a niektoré aj dvakrát), ktoré som ochutnala kdekoľvek v tomto regióne – od Abu Dhabi, cez Dubai až po Maskát. Tu je výber toho najlepšieho z blízko-východných jedál: hummous, mouttabal, tabouleh, baba ghanoush, fattoush, grilled halloumi, pita chlieb, jahňacia kofta, kurací shish taouk, falafel, manakeesh, fattayer, umm ali a pod.
Place / Miesto: Abu Dhabi, Dubai, Muscat and other Middle Eastern places
Date / Dátum: September 2013 – December 2015
Links: Recepty Varecha (SK); Arabská kuchyňa (SK); CNN food section (EN); Extra recipes from (EN); Recommendations including camel meat from Culture Trip (EN)