Discovering Slovakia: Castle in Trencin
There are a lot of castles in Slovakia. Some are only ruins, like Beckov, but many are still standing and open for public visits. Castle in Trencin belongs to the second category. It is located up on a hill towering over the city and it is visible from almost anywhere. My favourite view of it is from the old bridge , but it is nicely visible also from the highway when passing the city.
The castle is open all year round for visitors. Walking uphill starts at an ancient stairwell and continues by a church a bit steeply uphill. Inside the fortification, there is the actual castle, the open-air theatre, displays of various arms and canons, as well as a torture room. The view from the castle hill is amazing. Unfortunately, the erosion of the hill is threatening part of the fortification wall may collapse. Below Trencin castle there is a Roman inscription dating to 855, but I have apparently not yet made a picture of it. If you are in the area, I would recommend you to find it and read it for yourself. 🙂
Trenčiansky hrad týčiaci na skalnatom brale je dominantou mesta. Jazdím sem často, ale stále sa neviem vynadívať. Už sa však párkrát vyskytli obavy z erózie brala a rozpadu časti opevnenia. Preto, ak ste na Trenčianskom hrade ešte neboli, rozhodne odporúčam čím skôr tam zájsť. Po mierne náročnom výstupe (podľa vašej kondičky) schodiskom a cestou pridete k opevneniu a k bráne. Okrem krásnych výhľadov na mesto a okolité hory sa hneď za bránou nachádza divadlo a zopár kanónov, ktoré slúžili na obranu mesta. Je tam aj malý amfiteáter a mučiareň. A samozrejme samotný hrad, ktorý možno preloziť aj vnútri. Po návšteve hradu ešte pohľadajte Rímsky nápis na brale. Budete si ho msueiť obzrieť sami, ja som ho očividne ešte neodfotila. 🙂
Place/Miesto: Trenčín, Slovakia
Date/Dátum: Photos from 2016/2017
Links: Trenčín (SK, EN), Castle (SK, SK, EN, EN), Museum (SK, EN), Wiki (SK, EN), Tripadvisor, LonelyPlanet, VisitTrencin