Discovering Slovakia: Castle in Trencin
There is a lot of castles in Slovakia. Some are still standing and open for public visits, others are only ruins, like Beckov . Castle in Trencin belongs to the first category. It is located up on a hill towering over the city and it is visible from almost anywhere. My favourite view is when driving from the sport recreational area on the island or from the highway in the distance.
Kreslenie: Technika Dry Brush alebo “na sucho”
Teraz vám predstavím techniku Dry Brush, v doslovnom preklade "suchý štetec". Je to veľmi jednoduchá technika a výsledky sú fakt skvelé.
Drawing: Dry brush
I was surprised how easy it was to paint with a technique called dry brush. You use a "dry brush" on dry paper. There is only color on the brush, but you can tip it into a small amount of oil or water.
Czech Republic: Castle in Rajec-Jestrebi
We have discovered this lovely castle with a big public park and gardens in Rajec Jestrebi purely by accident. We were passing it when returning from our trip in the Macocha area back to Brno. So we stopped and walked around the compound.
Czech Republic: Luhacovice and the spa
Luhacovice is a small, lovely spa town in the south-eastern part of Czech Republic, in the Morava region. It is a twin city to my hometown/spatown Piestany.
Geneva’s Jet d’Eau
Photos of Geneva's famous Jet d'Eau in action taken during my visit of the region in July and August 2017.