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Athens: Temple of Olympian Zeus

I have visited Athens twice so far – in November 2008 and in February 2017. And will gladly return anytime. The city centre is a gigantic historical open-air museum with some monuments dating back more than 2500 years. The food is delicious, people are nice and friendly, the sun is shining most of the time and there is always something new to discover. Athenian Temple of Olympian Zeus is at the end of the Dionysiou Aeropagitou street near Hadrian’s Arch, Acropolis, Zappeion and National Gardens.


Hadrian's Arch and Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Hadrian’s Arch and Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Chrám boha Dia začali stavať v 6. storočí pred naším letopočtom a mal to byť najväčší chrám v Grécku vôbec. Avšak kvôli nedostatku peňazí sa dostavba natiahla až na 700 rokov. Chrám bol dokončený v roku 131 nášho letopočtu Rimanmi. Na to nemajú ani naše diaľnice. Najviac fascinujúce však je, že 15 z pôvodne 104 koryntských stĺpov ešte stále stojí. Posledný padol v roku 1852 kvôli silnému nárazu vetra počas búrky a leží na tom mieste podnes. V komplexe tiež nájdete naukladané pozostatky padnutých stĺpov, ale aj vykopávky rímskych kúpeľov a domčekov.


Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Ruins of Roman house at Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Ruins of Roman house at Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

Ruins at Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece
Ruins at Temple of Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece


Read more about Athens here.