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Athens: Olympic Panathenaic stadium

I have visited Athens twice so far – in November 2008 and in February 2017. And will gladly return anytime. The city centre is a gigantic historical open-air museum with some monuments dating back more than 2500 years. The food is delicious, people are nice and friendly, the sun is shining most of the time and there is always something new to discover. The Olympic Panathenaic stadium in Athens is located near the Zappeion conference centre, Hadrian’s arch, Temple of Olympian Zeus and National Gardens. The Stadium is nested between two hills. It is an exact replica of an ancient stadium from the 4th century BC with 70000 spectator seats, a running track and a middle area. This newer one was built in 1895 and in 1896, the first new Olympic games were held here. And then again in 2004, but the Greeks built some more stadiums and a metro by then.


Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece
Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece

Panaténsky olympijský štadión je to presná replika starého olympijského štadióna zo 4. storočia pred naším letopočtom vsadená efektívne medzi dva kopce. Štadión má cca 70 tisíc miest na sedenie, bežeckú dráhu a strednú časť pre iné športy spolu so stupňami víťazov. Repliku dostavali v roku 1895 a už o rok neskôr, v roku 1896, sa tu konali prvé novodobé olympijské hry. Tie sa tu konali potom aj v roku 2004, ale dovtedy stihli Gréci postaviť aj viac štadiónov a k tomu aj metro.


Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece
Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece

Panathenaic Stadium, Athens, Greece
Panathenaic Stadium, Athens, Greece

A statue near Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece
A statue near Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece

Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece
Panathenaic stadium, Athens, Greece


Read more about Athens here.