English,  Interesting/Zaujímavé,  Slovensky

Drawings: Aquarelle 2016

A selection of my aquarelle / watercolor paintings made in 2016.



Camels in the Lost quarter, UAE – Inspiration from photos taken during a trip through the Emirati desert.

Ťavy v púšti, SAE – inšpirácia z fotky urobene počas výletu po dunách emirátskej púšte.


Camels in the desert, UAE (a watercolour painting)
Camels in the desert, UAE (watercolour painting)


Camels in the desert, UAE (Original photo)
Camels in the desert, UAE (Original photo)


Colonade Bridge, Piešťany, Slovakia – inspiration from my daily walks.

Kolonádový most, Piešťany, Slovensko


Piestany, Slovakia (a watercolour painting)
Piestany, Slovakia (watercolour painting)


Piestany, Slovakia (a watercolour pencil drawing)
Piestany, Slovakia (watercolour pencil drawing)


Piestany, Slovakia (original photo)
Piestany, Slovakia (original photo)


Sunset above the water – inspiration from a book about watercolor painting.

Západ slnka nad vodou – inšpirácia z knihy o akvarelovej maľbe.

Sunset reflections (a watercolour painting)
Sunset reflections (watercolour painting)



Italian landscape (a watercolour painting)
Italian landscape (watercolour painting)


Cherries on the tree (a watercolour painting)
Cherries on the tree (a watercolour painting) – a gift