Photos,  Travel/Cestovanie

Discovering Slovakia: Wooden Church in Tvrdosin

This little wooden Gothic Roman-Catholic church of All Saints in the city of Tvrdošín in northern Slovakia was built in the 15th century and refitted in the 17th century according to the Renaissance style. Since 2008, this wooden church is part of UNESCO’s World cultural heritage. It is beautifully decorated inside.  The older and smaller Gothic altar was replaced at the end of the 17th century with the Baroque style altar currently on display. The walls are covered with beautiful wooden panes with paintings from years 1653 and 1654. It is located near the local cemetery and the glum weather during our visit underlined the atmosphere of the place. Yet, it looks much nicer during the sunny weather (you can see at web

Maličký drevený kostolík v Tvrdošíne na Orave bol postavený v 15. storočí podľa vzoru gotickej architektúry. V 17. storočí ho prestavali podľa renesančného slohu a koncom 17. storočia dostal aj veľký nový oltár už s barokovými prvkami. Vo vnútri sú aj krásne maľby na dreve z rokov 1653 a 1654. V roku 2008 bol kostolík zapísaný do svetového kultúrneho dedičstva UNESCO. Nachádza sa na Tvrdošínskom cintoríne a daždivé počasie počas našej návštevy iba umocnilo pochmúrnu atmosféru. Verím, že počas slnečných dní pôsobí celé miesto oveľa krajšie ako na mojich fotkách (viď web


Wooden church, Tvrdosin, Slovakia
Wooden church, Tvrdosin, Slovakia


Entrance to the cemetery with the wooden church, Tvrdosin, Slovakia
Entrance to the cemetery with the wooden church, Tvrdosin, Slovakia

Place/Miesto: Orava, Tvrdosin

Date / Dátum: July 2016

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