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Drawing: Colour and More Colour with Dry Pastel

I always wanted to learn how to draw. So when I realised only I can make my dreams come true and took a sabbatical year, I also decided to attend a course Drawing on the right side of brain. It focused on acquiring drawing techniques with a pencil or graphite and made me believe I can really do it! I can draw! (You can read more about it in my first article from the Drawing series: How I learnt how to draw.) Gradually, I moved on to coloured pencils, as I wanted colours and it was the simpliest way, especially in the middle of the “adult coloring book” madness. (I wrote about it in the second of the Drawing series: Starting with Colours.) I consider coloured pencil drawing easy, but the colours are a bit meek. I made them more vibrant by using watercolour pencils. But, eventually, I wanted to try another technique as I prefer more intense colours. So next came dry pastel. A technique that can make you and your surrounding a bit dirty, you should not make a mistake as you cannot really use an eraser, but the colours are as intense as many layers you put on the paper. You can also try different textures of the paper from the very smooth to a rough one.

Glases on the table, pastel drawing
Glases on the table, pastel drawing

Po zahriatí sa pastelkami som chcela odskúšať inú techniku. Farbičky sú síce fajn a nerobia bordel, ale farby sa mi nezdajú dosť výrazné. Ja by som strašne chcela obrázky s veľmi sýtymi farbami. Pokračujte v slovenčine tu.

And what about you? When and what did you draw last time? Or did you find coloring books more relaxing? Alternatively, have you already tried something you always wanted to try? If not, do it now. And let me know how it went. 🙂 Good luck.

Palm tree on an island, pastel drawing
Palm tree on a beach, pastel drawing


Boat on the sea, pastel drawing
Boat on the sea, pastel drawing


Water and trees, pastel drawing
Water and trees, pastel drawing


Flower, pastel drawing
Flower, pastel drawing