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Drawing: Starting with Colours

After early images made by a simple pencil or with graphite pencil (read my first article in the Drawing series: How I learnt how to draw), I shifted my focus to colours. The color theory and the color wheel were easy to understand. You have three primary colours: Blue, Red and Yellow. Mixing two of those will give you secondary colours: orange (red and yellow), green (blue and yellow) and purple (blue and red). And combining various ratios of those two colours, you will eventually get many different shades of every colour. As I said, the theory is simple. But to get the right ratio of the colours in the mix, that takes practice. So I found it easier to start drawing with coloured pencils. They exist in any shade of colour and I still have the option to mix them.

Colour pencil drawing
Colour pencil drawing

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Colour pencil drawing
Colour pencil drawing


Colour pencil drawing
Colour pencil drawing


Watercolour pencil drawing on yellow paper
Watercolour pencil drawing on yellow paper