English,  Text,  Travel/Cestovanie

Seychelles: La Digue

La Digue is a relatively small island in comparison with Mahe. And it is the third largest in Seychelles. The trip from Mahe lasted less than two hours. First with a bigger catamaran to the neighbouring Praslin, then with a smaller catamaran a 15 min trip to La Digue.


I heard there are no cars on this island, but that’s not true. I saw one taxi, a few SUVs, smaller trucks with benches on the back and electrical golf carts. And of course bicycles and an ox cart. 🙂 Main routes between the three villages and the beaches are paved and often lead trough a rainforest which offered a welcome shelter from the strong sun. Moreover, biking really gives that leisurely holiday feel to the whole place.


People here are very nice. They greet you and let you go about your business. But if you need help or advice, they are there for you.

There is a lot of accommodation options ranging from hotels to simple room rentals. There are plenty of eating options, too. And of course a lot of beaches and a hill with a view. Oh, and I forgot – also a heritage village, old cemetery, tortoise sanctuary, jetty, police station and a hospital.


I have visited most of the beaches on the island. I liked Grande Anse (above) the most, as I could swim there. Most people like Anse Source D’Argent (below), but to me it seemed similar than the other beaches – good for snorkelling but not for swimming. It was shallow with corals and sea urchins.



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