UAE: Wearing Abaya
Abaya is a traditional arabic dress for women. It is more like a long but very light overcoat. Most often it is black, but made of high-quality and soft fabrics, which rather shields than warms Emirati ladies from the sun. I noticed that their abayas are also embelished, embroidened and customised more often than not. This would most likely not be acceptable in the Saudi Arabia.
Abayas are worn over normal clothes, be it a dress, trousers, jeans, t-shirts or shirts. Often, they also wear shoes with very high heels. Sheila or Shayla is a scarf-like cloth used to cover the hair. Usually it is made from the same color and material as abaya.
Abayas are also subject to fashion trends and are relatively costly. The quality one cost from 200 euro higher, but cheaper abayas can be also found, but from lower-quality fabrics. I wore such an abaya during my visit at the Great Mosque of Sheikh Zayed.
Here is the proof. 🙂

absolutne nic spolocne s UAE ale jaksi nemal mail na teba. aha tu nejake slovenske dievca o norsku pise http://prievidza.sme.sk/diskusie/2268596/1/Prievidzanka-prerazila-v-Norsku-na-stavbe-Na-Slovensku-je-to-tabu.html. Aka skvela krajina a ty si do toho tepla zdrhla 🙂
Ahoj, dik za info. No a kedze nemam blog na sme, tak si moj pobyt v Norsku nikto nevsimol, aby o mne napisal clanok. 🙂
blog na sme.sk to je len pre exhibicionistov 🙂 kazdopadne diskusia pod tym clankom bola dost kruta ku tomu dievcatu. ale co ine cakat od ludi co pisu do diskusie na sme 😉
Chuda dievca. Diskusie tam ani necitam.
Len rozmyslam, ci budem exhibovat a prispejem tam niecim o Emiratoch. 😉