Discovering Slovakia: Ski resort Jasná
In January 2017, I joined friends on a ski trip in Jasná, a popular ski resort on the northern slopes of Chopok, the second highest peak of the Low Tatra mountains. The Jasná resort is connected also with the resorts on the southern side of Chopok and, altogether, there are more than 30 ski lifts and 49 km of ski pistes. You can find there several ski rental and ski service shops, ski schools and also plenty of hotels, mountain chalets, restaurants and bars. For those late to book there are plenty of car parking spaces and a skibus running daily from the train stations in Liptovský Mikuláš and Ružomberok.
Text v slovenčine nájdete nižšie.
If you are a ski novice and do not plan on skiing all days, there are also other options. You can visit Tatralandia – a relax centre and an amusement park near the dam Liptovská mara. In fact, a three day ski ticket already includes entry to Tatralandia. Alternatively, most of the high-end hotels have their own sauna and jacuzzi areas. The best is a trip up the mountain to the peak of Chopok (2024m) by a gondola, especially on a clear sky day to admire the fantastic views north to the Tatra mountains with Kriváň in the fore and to the south as well. There is also a hotel and restaurant at the top. The whole area of Jasná and Demänovská dolina must be nice also in the summer for hiking and walking tours. I got to return there.
Photogallery of my snowy shots is below. 🙂
V januári 2017 som sa po rokoch konečne odhodlala znova postaviť na lyže. A dá sa povedať, že po úvodných trapasoch som to celkom zvládla. 🙂 Lyžovala som v stredisku Jasná v Nízkych Tatrách. Ak náhodou neviete, tak Jasná je na severnej strane Chopku, v Demänovskej doline. Jasná je prepojená aj so strediskami na južnej strane chopku a tak má dobrý lyžiar k dispozícii viac ako 30 lanoviek a vlekov a vyše 49 km zjazdoviek. Ja som si prešla modré zjazdovky Bielu púť a Turistickú. Raz som zliezla aj Otupné a mala som dosť. Nohy ma boleli po troch dňoch v lyžiarkach šialene. Ak ste teda podobný lyžiar ako ja, tak si môžete odskočiť nielen do hotelového vodného sveta (ak váš hotel niečo také má), ale aj do Tatralandie. Mne sa najvac páčil výlet lanovkou na vrchol Chopku. (Viac foto tu.) Aj v lete tam musí byť krásne. Plánujem sa tam ísť znova pozrieť. Prikladám ešte výber fotiek zasnežených kopcov, zjazdoviek a výhľadov na Tatry, Liptov a Bystrický región.
Long well-prepared ski slopes, comfortable network of ski lifts, good places to eat, have fun, but also sleep. Ski rental and ski services available. Ski instructors as well. For relax, head to Tatralandia.
Note: If you cannot find a free room within the resort, check Liptov and then drive up and leave a car at the many parking areas.
Location / Miesto: Jasná, Low Tatra mountains, Slovakia / Jasná, Nízke Tatry, Slovensko
Date / Dátum: January 2017
Links / Linky: Jasná, Tatralandia, Chopok

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